Thursday, May 2, 2013

PPF: Sketching During a Budget Meeting

While at work the other day, I found myself sitting in a Budget Committee meeting. Lots of numbers; news somewhat discouraging. I started sketching on my notepad and came up with this simple pencil drawing. I liked it so much that I tore it out and took it home. I water-colored it and stuck in my sketchbook. I went back to this bookmarked post from The Skinny Artists (filled with tons of great quotes) and grabbed a quote that I thought went well. It says, "Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them." And that's my offering for Paint Party Friday.
To see other works of painterly goodness, check out this link.


Amy said...

Well, that's good way to deal with gloomy economics!

Beverly said...

I smiled as soon as I saw the sketch...and I was in need of a smile, thank you!

Giggles said...

Very nice! Very sage quote! Works perfectly with this pretty piece!!

Happy ppf.

Hugs Giggles

Mary B said...

a very sweet sketch and much better than a dreary meeting.

helena said...

I always find it easier to listen if I'm doodling too - great image and quote

Miriam said...

Beautiful and a great way to deal with gloomy news. I love that quote too and always think of it when I photograph the dandelion and her clock.

Sian said...

Sketching during a budget meeting seems like an excellent use of time and I know an accountant who would agree with you said...

Isn't it amazing where you can get inspiration from! If you hadn't gone to that dull meeting you may not have created such a lovely painting. I love the quote too:)

carol l mckenna said...

Very elegant art work ! Beautiful! ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sketch Rinda and I love that you did it during a boring budget meeting! :)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

wonderful sketch! love the quote too!

Jo Murray said...

Perfect...I can't think of a better way to sit through a budget meeting.

Unknown said...

Smart way to cope with a budget meeting! Sweet sketch, I love orange flowers.

Karen said...

These look far too beautiful to be weeds! What a great way to spend the time in a dreary meeting.

Dianne said...

it's tough for me to make it through a meeting without drawing something. so glad you put this in your journal and added color...lovely! happy PPF!

~*~Patty S said...

Perfect quote (I ♥ quotes!) to go with your brilliant sketch ... way to make lemonade out of a lemon of a meeting!

Hope you have a nice weekend...

Melissa said...

I tried my hand at a little sketching this week - it's not nearly as good as yours. Maybe I should find a boring budget meeting to attend & see if that helps! :>)

Linda Kunsman said...

Love the quote you chose for your sketch. I'd have kept it too-makes me smile-nice way to soften a budget meeting! Happy PPF!

Carolyn Dube said...

Best use of a budget meeting! Love your flowers and quote! Happy PPF!

Ivy said...

What a nice way to make the time go by faster in your meeting! HPPF!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who doodles during meetings! ;o) Your sketch is really cool, Rinda, and I love the quote about weeds. Awesome!

Viola said...

This is so lovely! and I love the color of the flowers! sure weeds are flowers too! =)

Tracey FK said...

the only thing that used to get me through those sort of meetings was sneaky drawings... love this one and thanks for the link to the quote page...xx

DVArtist said...

Drawing through a meeting makes them think you are taking notes. LOL Love the drawing

Susanne said...

Well, this has to be the best outcome of all time from a budget meeting. Lovely. PS I have a whole front yard full of "friends."

Irene said...

Great drawing that came out of that boring meeting.

Martha from ilove2paint said...

aw! how cute is that!? Even if crunching numbers was not fun, something adorable came out of the meeting :o)

soulbrush said...

Perfect way to get through the bore yaaawn. Happy PPF and have a great weekend.

aimee said...

sketching during a budget meeting? you are my kind of girl!!

Unknown said...

That sounds like the best way to spend a budget meeting. Love your use of the quote as well.

denthe said...

Sketching flowers when sitting in a gloomy meeting, now who doesn't cheer up by that! Love that quote too! Thnx for the link!

bellefrogworks said...

I love what you produced in a gloomy and probably boring meeting. HPPF

Missus Wookie said...

That is a lovely quote and sketch - glad you were inspired by the budget ;)