Friday, June 28, 2013

2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt Linky #1

Item #13: A Fence, version 1
Item #13: A Fence, version 2
Welcome to the first link-up for the 2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!!! Here's your opportunity to share what you've been doing on this year's hunt and to check out what everyone else has been up to.  Please add a link to a specific post about the Scavenger Hunt below.  Your post can be anything - a post about your favorite find; a story about your adventures while hunting; an explanation as to why you haven't gotten started yet; etc.  Feel free to link to a post you've already done if that works best for you. Also, let us know if there's a way for us to see all your finds so far. Finally, please try to visit at least 3-5 other posters. I will host a similar linky at the end of each summer month (June, July, August) and at the end of the hunt on September 21.  This is also a great time to ask any questions you might have (just leave it as a comment, and I'll get back to you straight away). By way of encouragement, I have a small, summery prize to send out to one random person who will be chosen on Monday evening (California time). I'll put your name in the draw once for joining the linky and once for leaving me a comment, so you can have up to two chances to win!
Today, I'm posting two photographs of item #13: a fence. I'm sharing these because they illustrate one of my favorite things about the hunt - the enormous variety of ways each item can be interpreted.  Sometimes the difference comes from the photographer's  interpretation of the prompt, but often times there are differences attributable to culture and geography. Police cars, theaters, coffee shops/pubs, civic buildings all look very different depending upon which country you are in, and, yes, even fences have different meanings. (Someone pointed out that, so far, there seems to be the least variation in photographs of open air markets.)
So, as you browse around the links below, enjoy the variety of images from around the world taken based on the same list of 21 items. If you want to see all my posts from this year's hunt, you can click on this link.


Ladkyis said...

The way you have given us room to interpret is, for me, the best part of the scavenger hunt. The other part is that Mr M and I really enjoy seeking out the items.
Thank you so much for giving us this game.

Miriam said...

I really love the Summer Hunt. I think the time scale is great. I like just spotting things unexpectedly and then going out with the specific intention of finding things. Rinda you are a genius! as my son would say.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

We made a start on the list yesterday and I'm looking forward to ticking off the rest over the coming weeks. Thanks for organising the hunt again this year :o)

Anonymous said...

yes, there is such a variety when it comes to fences. In the two versions you have, very different thoughts are conjured looking at each of them. Even if the ball field wasn't in the photo, the chain link fence would not lead to thoughts of a nature trail the way the wooden one does!
PS I am really enjoying this challenge! I've got photos that I haven't uploaded to my blog yet, but will soon!

debs14 said...

Loving this challenge once again! Thanks so much for organising it. Like Miriam says - there is as much fun in finding something unexpectedly as there is in going out on a specific mission.

Unknown said...

I have liked seeing the variety of fire engines the best! And the outdoor benches. There have been some great photos so far and I am having a great time. I just hope my linky works ... if it does you should see both my posts so far. Will probably be another week or so until I can hunt for more. The kids have their winter break starting next week and we have planned to seek out a few.

Beverly said...

I am enjoying this even more this summer. Maybe because I am serendiptiously finding things. I thought I would never find a windmill but the night I drove to the airport to pick up the newlyweds I took the old route and in the dark and rain up in front loomed a windmill. I haven't been back to photograph it but it makes me happy that I found one. Jury duty brought so many police cars from towns in the county that I couldn't resist them all. Those and the benches led me to the thought of taking multiples throughout the summer so I may absolutely be the last finished ;) Thanks for keeping up the tradition, Rinda!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I've got two things that don't belong, which is two more things than I thought I would have for that one. I like your fences. I'm overblessed in that area (dozens available on my morning drive) so I haven't taken one yet.

laurie said...

I haven't started my own scavenger hunt yet but you and those who linked up have inspired me! Looking, paying attention, is such a great way to really soak up these summer moments.

Carola Bartz said...

So far I haven't written a post for this link up, but I think I will do this during the weekend and then come back. I have started on the photo scavenger hunt, but don't have many photos yet. All my images of clouds turned out blurry, and now we have that heatwave with that blue sky and not a single cloud!!!
I like your fence shots - can you imagine that I only took one or two fence shots so far? Me???

Sian said...

I think the geographic variation is what makes it for's that chance to catch a peep into other worlds that makes it so much fun

Becky said...

I'm loving joining in this year and only wish that I had joined in previous years! It is lovely seeing everyone's photos as it gives a lovely insight into where other people live.

Ruth said...

This is my first year joining in and I shall be sad when it's over! Such a great idea!

Amanda said...

I've only just started taking my photos; I got the windmill this afternoon. I'll blog it and link up tomorrow. I do enjoy seeing different interpretations of the prompts.

BJ said...

Hi Rinda, I linked my most recent post with a note about the label but didn't realise I could have linked the set of labelled posts! Not sure if you can delete my link for me so I can have another go or not. Thanks BJ.

Abi said...

Rinda, you put so much work into this. Thank you. I love the hunt! I haven't started yet but am so excited to!

boysmum2 said...

Oo I so love a link up to what everyone has been doing, this will definitely while away Sunday afternoon.

Jo.C said...

I love taking part and as soon as I can download some photos I'll join in and link. I love seeing what others have done. x

scrappyjacky said...

I love seeing all the variety of photos....I hope to get properly started on mine soon!!

JO SOWERBY said...

I love doing this hunt every year and am doing quite well so far,
Jo xxxx

Melissa said...

We took a little road trip this weekend & I was noticing the variety of fences along the way! I've just posted my first photo for the hunt today with a review of my month of June.

Thanks for hosting this hunt, Rinda - Robbie & I had a fun time the past two days hunting for items & I have some great photos to share a little later this summer!

Karen said...

I'm glad I saw Miriam's before I posted mine. You can see why on my post! As always, thanks for this. It's so much fun.

Alison said...

Am off to do my second post, so that I'm up-to-date for June....thanks again for setting this up Rinda!
Alison xx

Missus Wookie said...

I have had so much fun with both my Legoland version and my regular version - did wonder about two linkys :)

Thank you for organising the hunt!

Jane said...

enjoying doing this again, thanks so much for organising it

Jimjams said...

I agree it's great to see people's interesting, literal and off-the-wall interpretations of the prompts. Thanks for doing the link-ups as it means I'll be able to catch up with new participants as well as those I already "know". Now if you could arrange for 30 hours in every day ...

Cheri said...

I love seeing what others do with a prompt that stumps me - it really helps! I have more to post but still playing catch up with my life right now.

Anonymous said...

I love this scavenger hunt. It has made me discover so many things about my city that I hadn't known about before.

helena said...

wow what a lot so co-hunters there are - looking forward to visiting those who are not on my normal blog reading list. Thanks for doing the hunt Rinda, I love seeing the geographical variety of items

Barbara said...

I have made at start at last, I love visiting everyone to see their interpretations from the list. Thank you Rinda for hosting this fun topic.

Julie Kirk said...

Thoroughly enjoying collecting my items - thanks for organising such a fun, communal, activity.

Nicky Stevenson said...

This photo challenge has been such fun, thanks so much for setting it up. I've put two linkies on, one to my flickr set and one to my latest blog post, hope that is OK? Off to look at everyone else's now... Nicky

Unknown said...

Hope you don't mind me doing two link ups in my one post.
It is interesting to see the differences, the fence I have chosen is different yet again, esp in my interpretation of it as I have photographed just part of it.

Sheena said...

I've just found you via another blog & I'd love to join in x I've printed the list to take on holiday with me next week :)

alexa said...

That is one of the things I love abut your hunt, Rinda - how it lets us see such culturally diverse things :).

Sandie said...

So love this hunt Rinda. Last year my family got involved and we had such fun. Hope you didn't mind me mentioning a monthly challenge I have started. It connects with your Scavenger Hunt and hopefully others will get to hear about what you are doing and join in too. The more the merrier!!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Having great fun doing this. I was so excited to find a huge dinosaur in the local toy shop today. Teenager not so happy at his mother getting the camera out!!! But that's half the fun :0)

quiltingfool said...

Today, September 20th I posted my final photo. My blog hasn't received any traffic at all, but I still had fun doing the scavenger hunt. Hope to take part again next year. Thank you for hosting this. Sandy