Friday, June 14, 2013

Summertime Plans Redux

A few days ago, I posted about my desire to come up with summer plans that included some fun, in addition to the projects which have dominated my summertime agenda. After pondering for a while and rereading the links in my post, I decided that while I want to accomplish a variety of things this summer, I also want to experience the joys of summer.  So I came up with my summertime list and divided it into five categories: fun; learn; sweat; repair; and maintain.  I've been itching to make a mini journaling book featured in Jennifer's Projects that Wow class, and I thought it would be a perfect way to memorialize my list.  I don't want to give away class secrets for free, but I will show you a peek into my booklet:
And here are my lists:
1. Go to the beach: pick sea class; study the tide pools; sit on the sand.
2. Sit beside the fire ring out back, enjoying a drink and good conversation with family and friends.
3. Enter a photograph in the County Fair and then attend to see if I won a ribbon.  I really wanted to do this but when I investigated further, I found that the fair is already half over and entries were due back in April! 
4. Pick blackberries.
5. Go to the zoo.
6. Visit the  Filoli Estate: take photographs and sketch.
7. Visit the Museum of Modern Art
8. Take Clara and her friends to Great America, The Boardwalk and other fun places
9. Go to a concert at Stern Grove
10. Create a fun zone in the garage
1. Attend obedience classes with the dogs.
2. Enroll Clara in lifeguard training and/or swim aide program.
3. Online art classes (I blogged about these here)
1. Empowered Fitness and running for me
2. Empowered Sport for Clara
3. Running for Clara
4. Kick Boxing for Clara
5. Swimming for Clara
6. Spinning Class for Clara
1. Clean out the garage
2. Fix up the back yard
3. Inventory and trouble-shoot the computers
4. Fix internet in the house and the television in Clara's room
1. Dentist for Henry and Clara
2. Doctor for me
3. Doctor for Clara
4. Eye doctor for me
5. Dentist for me
Feeling much better about my summertime plans!


This West London Life said...

That's enough to keep you busy all summer!

Amy said...

I am seriously thinking I approach summer all wrong ... I never make any concrete plans ... at all! You sound as though you have a good mix here.

helena said...

great list of fun and good balance - feeling I need to add some exercise and maintain items to my current fun list

and delighted to see someone else who believes in not sharing all details from a paid class

Linda said...

Great list Rinda, a nice balance!

debs14 said...

Great idea to document it in a list. You have a busy summer ahead but a good mix of fun in with the chores!

Sian said...

A "sweat" category? I have to love this! If I think about it enough, it'll definitely inspire me..TTO made me get on the exercise bike yesterday because he said I had to be "match fit" for the holidays. Have fun with it all.

Cheri said...

Love this list! I never make "plans" for the Summer and end up doing nothing but working!

Unknown said...

That is a comprehensive list! I am feeling decidedly un-organised now!

Miriam said...

Oh me too, I will probably bumble along looking for items for scavenger hunt and continue with a few on line challenges...

Becky said...

Gosh! That is a long list! Hope you get to do them all!

Unknown said...

Seems like a long list, looking forward to reading about how you get on with them.

alexa said...

I really like your idea of being thoughtful about what you need in your life and will be taking a leaf, not literally!, out of your book :). The category name Sweat creased me up, and filled me with admiration at the same time. I'd never manage it!

Karen said...

It looks quite ambitious to me!

Melissa said...

So glad to see the fun list added to your summer plans!

aimee said...

great lists and I love your categories!

sky-blu-pink said...

Wow! You will be busy this summer! Will you sleep?!

Jennifer Grace said...

Your book looks brilliant Rinda! I love it as a book filled with summertime plans. My only plans for this summer are to have fun with the kids - I want to set up some blog posts in advance so I can pretty much ignore the computer for my daughter's 6 week summer break and just play and take trips with them. I hope you enjoy yours - the 'fun' bits sound awesome... the maintain ones a little less enjoyable but it will feel good to get them done I'm sure! x

Joan said...

SFMOMA or NY MOMA? If SF, maybe we can coordinate. We'll be in Cal (BB) for two weeks in July.

Missus Wookie said...

I like the idea of the fun area in the garage - did you make a note for next April to enter a photograph? Head start on summer 2014. :)

Unknown said...

That is a great list, and actually quite achievable - esp as most of the sweat is Clara! Hope you manage to do all the fun activities at least.