Wednesday, June 1, 2016

2016 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: The List!

In the northern hemisphere, summer officially begins a little later this month. And, with summer arrives my annual Photography Scavenger Hunt. The idea is simple. I post a list of 21 items for you to find and photograph before the autumn equinox on Thursday, September 22, 2016. The list is intended to be challenging, but not impossible. Hopefully it encourages you to go on a few outings; always it requires you to be observant. You can read more about how items make the list by clicking on this link
For those of you with blogs, post your photographs and share your adventures in finding the items. For those without blogs, keep track of your finds in some other way (a flicker account, a shutter fly album, etc.) if you want to be able to share them with the group. (It makes it easier to share if you "label" or "tag" your scavenger hunt posts, as you do them). Once a month, I'll host a link-up so people can visit your finds, but feel free to post about the Hunt whenever you like. 
There's only two rules: no fair submitting photographs taken before the start of the Hunt and have fun. 
Newcomers welcome - the more, the merrier! No special photography skills are required - I love seeing everything from snap shots to fine art photography in response to the list. 
For pictures I take on my iphone, I'll be posting to instagram using #rindas2016photohunt. There's also a facebook page  (with big thanks to Kathryn Trotter). Ask to join, and she or I will let you in.
So, without any further ado, here's this year's lists:
1. A "wild heart" - a naturally occurring heart (like the rock above, but it doesn't have to be a rock)
2. A footprint or pawprint
3. A skeleton, bone or x-ray
4. A book or magazine read during 2016
5. A porch or deck
6. A camper (caravan)
7. A family gathering
8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you.
9. Someone playing with, in, or around water.
10. A bicycle

11. Fresh produce
12. A window
13. The moon
14. A buffet of food
15. A team logo
16. A map showing a trip taken during the time period
17. Twins
18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries 
19. A seasonal cocktail or beverage
20. Someone laughing
21. A photograph of you with a newspaper or calendar page from the time period covered in the Hunt. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.

Alternatives - if you're having trouble finding any of the above, you may substitute from this list (but you may not substitute for item #21):
alternative 1: a lighthouse
alternative 2: a baby (human or animal)
Let me know if you have any questions. Also, if you're new to my blog or the hunt, let me know. And if you're a blogger, leave a link to your blog so I can add you to my feedly reader.


Eileen T said...

Great list. For me, it's looks more challenging than previous years but I like a challenge! Thanks.

Karen said...

Super list. Look forward to making a start.

Sian said...

Looks great! Here a camper means what I think you call an RV as opposed to a caravan which is pulled behind a car

I'll have to tell the rest of the family we are on again for this year!

Miriam said...

So glad you're doing this again Rinda when I know it is a lot of work for you. All printed, copy on my desk and a copy in my purse.

scrappyjacky said...

Interesting looking list.....thank you.

scrappyjacky said...

Interesting looking list.....thank you.

marsha said...

Cool.....looking forward to this!! Thanks!!!

Sylvia said...

Nice variety! Looking forward to this!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Either a camper (RV) or a caravan (trailer) will do, but I do like the romance of a caravan!

Tina Campbell said...

Wow that is one challenging list :) This is gonna be fun!

Chidkid said...

Great list..looking forward to joining in again this year.

Maggie said...

Does look a challenge! Can't wait to get started!

Julie Kirk said...

Great options there Rinda - I've printed off 2 copies so far. One for me ... and one for my Dad who doesn't play along himself ... but likes to point out where I can find items he comes across!

Wishing a great summer with your camera.

Jimjams said...

Interesting list ... thank you <3

Ladkyis said...

ooooh challenging! We went shopping this morning! the trolley was full! now we won't go for at least another week

furrypig said...

yay so excitied for another summer scavenger hunt...always love it! thanks Rinda xxx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Such a fun list! I'm on it...

Sue's Paper Crafts said...

I actually found a natural heart in my very own yard. Living in the desert this list is going to be a good challenge for me but I love a good challenge.


Cheri said...

Love this list Rinda! This may be the push I need to pick my camera back up (even the one on my phone) after months of neglect. Excited to play along!

Susanne said...

Oooo, good list. Printed it off right away!

Ruth said...

A great list, have written it straight into my holiday journal.

Unknown said...

A great list, esp as I have twin nephews and took a photo of a window today without having seen the list!

Christine E-E said...

Add me to the hunt! I'm sure I won't have a problem with some of the pix... My first granddaughter is about to be born. Yeah!

BJ said...

Looks like I'm a day behind again this year! Jolly good job Bernice posted your link on Facebook as I would have completely forgotten, my mind such as it is these days! List looks great and I laughed at the bike as I might have to post one of my hubbies beloved bikes after all! New blog name is although there is a bridge photo link between the old and the new, I do believe that was a scavenger photo too. My email has changed as well but there is a link on my blog as usual. Can't wait to start, better get up then! Thanks BJ

Karen said...

Looks like another great list! I've got my copies printed, and already am thinking about how to capture some of these! Thanks, as always!

Carola Bartz said...

I love your list and will see how many items I will get this year. I did it last year as well but completely forgot to post my pictures... Hopefully this doesn't happen this year again.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Looks like a great mix. Thanks Rinda. I'm going to a christening in a couple of weeks so that should provide the baby photo opportunity!

steffi said...

Not seen this before but looks fun - we travel in our motorhome at weekends when we can & this will be a great addition to our trips - will print out when I get home :)

Golden Goddess Designs said...

I caught the end of the hunt last year and started following glad to be able to participate this year! Here is my blog, post #1 went up today:


Tracy said...

i need a challenge to kick start my photography mojo, thank you for the list and i'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with x

Kat said...

Thanks again for a great scavenger hunt, Rinda! I only popped on because I had the naggling feeling it must be time for the Hunt again! Glad I did! :D

Lisca said...

I'd love to join as a newby. I got to hear about the challenge through blog friends and BJCraftcorner in particular.
I have printed out the list and will keep it in my purse as a reminder to take more photos.
I live in Spain and I have a blog
This is going to be fun!
Greetings from (very hot) Spain,

glitterandglue said...

Hi Rinda.
Hopefully we can join in again this year. Didn't manage a single photo on the list in 2015 as hubby was so very ill - but.... we'll try again!!
Thanks for doing this again this year - I can already think of some bits and pieces for the list...
Take care. God bless.

Halle said...

I'm totally late in joining but I'm going for it anyway! Thanks for continuing to host this fun challenge each year!!!