Sunday, June 1, 2014

2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!

In the northern hemisphere, summer officially begins a little later this month. And, with summer arrives my annual Photography Scavenger Hunt. The idea is simple. I post a list of 21 items for you to find and photograph before the autumn equinox on Tuesday, September 23, 2014. The list is intended to be challenging, but not impossible. Hopefully it encourages you to go on a few outings; always it requires you to be observant. You can read more about how items make the list by clicking on this link
For those of you with blogs, post your photographs and share your adventures in finding the items. For those without blogs, keep track of your finds in some other way (a flicker account, a shutter fly album, etc.) if you want to be able to share them with the group. (It makes it easier to share if you "label" or "tag" your scavenger hunt posts, as you do them). Once a month, I'll host a link-up so people can visit your finds, but feel free to post about the Hunt whenever you like. 
There's only two rules that I remember: no fair submitting photographs taken before the start of the Hunt and have fun. 
Newcomers welcome - the more, the merrier! No special photography skills are required - I love seeing everything from snap shots to fine art photography in response to the list. 
For pictures I take on my iphone, I'll be posting to instagram using #rindas2014photohunt. 
So, without any further ado, here's this year's lists:
1. A sign welcoming people to your home town (or a nearby town)
2. A garden gnome
3. Birds on a wire
4. A group of tourists
5. A rack of post cards
6. An urban street scene
7. A rural landscape
8. A tattoo on a person
9. A bakery
10. A photo bomb (someone found lurking in the background of photo; the lurker may have intended to disrupt the picture or may be doing it unintentionally, but the background lurker is a surprise to the photographer)
11. A horn
12. A mascot
13. A sunrise
14. A parade
15. A juggler
16. A sign in a language other than English
17. A lamp post
18. A water fall
19. A public garden
20. A bus (not a car, truck, lorry, camper or RV) with a picture painted on its sides.
21. A photograph of you with something representing the season (recognizing that the season will be Winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere). Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.
If you find something on the list too difficult, you may substitute one of the following items for anything on the list, except for Item #21:
Alternative A: A kite, hot air balloon or blimp
Alternative B: A bird house
Let me know if you have any questions. Also, if you're new to my blog or the hunt, let me know. And if you're a blogger, leave a link to your blog so I can add you to my feedly reader.


boysmum2 said...

Finally at last the anticipation is over, the family can start planning, the hunt is on and already we have some ideas after reading the list.
We have been waiting all day for this as of course it is nearly the end of June 1 here.
Here's to the family winter assignment for the next 3 months.

helena said...

Hurrah - the start of summer and an inspired list for our hunt - looks like a fun mix with some challenges hidden within. Thank you

glitterandglue said...

Weyhey!! Yippee!! Looked forward to this - I so enjoyed taking part last year - I'll do my best this year. Please count me in.
Thanks for organising this for us all to have lots of fun in the season.

Dawn said...

So excited to see this, love taking part and hunting out the objects whilst enjoying the great outdoors!

Lesley G said...

So excited :D

Julie J said...

Great list Rinda - I am really going to struggle with a sunrise. I am so not an early riser!

Sian said...

Brilliant! Copying it into my holiday notebook as we speak :)

boysmum2 said...

I hope you don't mind but I have several family members and friends that want to do this but they don't have a blog so have created a Facebook page 'Summertime Picture Scavenger Hunt 2014' for them to post their pictures too. Happy for anyone to join

Jane said...

great list, looking forward to getting started!

Julie Kirk said...

And the sun's shining today too ... definitely the start of summer now! Off to print the list! x

Lizzie said...

Great stuff, Rinda! I have printed off the List and this year I Will get some of those photos!

furrypig said...

yay for a fab list hoping I cna get a lot of these on my summer hols... thanks Rinda looking forward to joining in again xxx

Sandie said...

What fun! Looking forward to taking part. My 365 photos have got missed lately so this may get me back into taking photos and having more focus.

Julia said...

Yay! Excited now. Have even sent on to hubby who might play along via Instagram :) great list Rinda. Last day of holiday in Greece today so off to see if I can get number 16 before our flight in 2 1/2 hours!

Julia said...

That's such a great idea! My husband and daughter are playing along too so will let them know x

Lynda said...

Rinda, I'm in! I posted a link on my blog post today about it. I'm off to post your url link on my Facebook page.

billiejo said...

Yeah! I'm new and have been waiting for this hunt since I first learned about it in January. Great list - Thanks.

debs14 said...

Woo hoo! Can't wait to get started!

Sylvia said...

Hi, looking forward to playing along. I will be posting to my photo blog. Still need to rework the blog a bit, but the link is


This West London Life said...

Can tell I'm going to have fun with this!!

Eileen T said...

Great list. I've spent the morning planning my pics and now I just have to take them!

billiejo said...

Oops! I forgot to leave a link to my blog.

and I'll tag my photos with "2014 photo hunt".

Sheena said...

great list x
The kids will be pleased.
Now to print it off xxx

Becky said...

This is a great list! Off to print and laminate it so I can carry it in my handbag all summer ! Thanks for running this again Rinda :)

Christine said...

I sometimes get bored with my own photos, so it'll be nice to have some purpose and inspiration. Looking forward to this challenge.

Tracy said...

I really need to get out and about with my camera again and this is just the thing will post on my very neglected photography blog x

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting in such anticipation for this and you haven't disappointed. x

Unknown said...

I'm ready! I purchased a photo art journal in which to put all my photos in. I am also taking The Phone Photography Project 2 course over at Big Picture Classes.

Amanda said...

Great list Rinda. I'm looking forward to getting out and about with my camera.

Jo Murray said...

Yippee! I'm on the hunt. Thanks Rinda.

ForgedinPaper said...

Great list. The hunt is on. Thank You :-)

Kirsty.A said...

Good list, got me thinking already

Miriam said...

Ooooh! such a good list. Thank you Rinda, summer has started.

Ladkyis said...

The album is made, Mr M has said he will wake me when he gets up at 4am tomorrow so it seems that the hunt is on!

Thank you for doing this again Rinda.

Carola Bartz said...

What a great list, Rinda!!! I look forward to finding most of these items right in June! This looks like a lot of fun - again! Thank you!

BJ said...

Cool list, can't wait to get going and we have a gnome in the garden too - Yippee. BJ

BJ said...

Just blogged my fist few photos. loving this already, even got me and DH out of a stroll round the block! BJ

Halle said...

I've been waiting since last Fall for this. So excited to participate this year. Here's my blog address...

Amy said...

I love that I'm going through this list and already marking off what I can get easily and then in the next breathe scratching my head and thinking outside the square for a few more ..... but don't get me started on the juggler! Yep - the juggler is 2014's image in a cloud!

JansArtyJunk said...

Oh this sounds like a lot of fun, i got your link via BJ's blog, and am looking forward to playing along for the first time :) Jan x ( )

cjsrq said...

I'm excited to be joining the hunt this summer! Great list! I will post pictures on my Flickr site. Thanks, Rinda!

Susi said...

Fun list! Can't wait to get started.

Sarah Huizenga said...

Sounds like extreme fun. I will play and I love that we have all summer to conquer it. Great list!

Carmen said...

Hi, Maria. I just found out about your blog through Halle's Hobbies. Now that I'm following your blog, I think this summer scavenger hunt will be lots of fun. Count me in! :-)

Carmen (

Jennifer Shaw said...

Terrific list! Thanks for motivating some summer fun for me and my husband. :)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Such a fun list again this year, Rinda! As I read through I thought, "That one will be easy, I know where I can find that, Uh-oh...that one's tough..." LOL. Can't wait to get started. Thanks so much for sponsoring this again this year. :o)

Nathalie said...

Yes, of course i am in!!! I have fond memories of jumping out of the car in traffic to work on the list during our trip in Portugal last summer! :) Looking forward to it!

Melissa said...

It's definitely going to be another FUN summer scavenger hunt!! Hope to get started this week!

Beverly said...

yay, so glad the list is now a reality and can be printed off and checked off :) I agree with Amy, I think the juggler will be my cloud reading this year! Thanks, Rinda!!

Beverly said...

ohhh and I do believe the Chosen One and SweetGirl will participate again this year :)

My not so simple life said...

Yey love this! Already took my first photo :)

Unknown said...

My whole family love helping me do this, although I've never yet managed to finish it. So glad to see it happening again this year and such a wonderful list. I think photobomb might be the hardest as if it is a surprise to us then we can't plan to take it or even purposely take it. Mind you if my teenage son sees the list he will try to photobomb EVERY photo!

Linda said...

Fab list as ever Rinda! Looking forward to participating:)

Karen said...

Great list! Printing out two copies---one for my purse and one for my desk! We always love this project.

~*~Patty S said...

Yippee ...
looks like another fun list...
Thank you Rinda!
Happy June

scrappyjacky said...

Great varied list.....looking forward to it.

KraftyKaren said...

After watching others take part in this for the last couple of years I have decided to take the plunge and take part myself this year.

sky-blu-pink said...

Thanks, Rinda, a fun list! Can't wait to get going, and I was so thrilled to be a winner last year!

Kerry said...

Great list Rinda. Looking forward to finding the items. Thanks

Susanne said...

Oh, this looks like a good line-up. Thanks for hosting the challenge - I can't wait to start snapping.

Unknown said...

Hi Rinda, I'm new, I love taking photos and I heard about your hunt last year, it looked like great fun and so I want to join in this year. What a great list, thank you, a lot of thought has gone into it. I hope I do see a juggler or will it inspire us to learn!

Anonymous said...

Hurrah list is here!!
A great list - can't wait to get started!

Jimjams said...

YAY a great list Rinda thanks - hoping to do it in a trip as well as do it in the summer :-)

Abi said...

Thank you Rinda! So excited for this! Will have to get the family involved again. they love your hunt every year!

Unknown said...

Glad you are doing this again.

Unknown said...

Glad you are doing this again.

Unknown said...

Would love to take part.

I don't have a blog but will put the photos on Shutterfly

ally said...

Hi. This is my first year on the hunt and looked through the list yesterday. Whilst out on my lunch break spotted no2 lol. Thanks for the hunt. I'll post on Instagram

misteejay said...

Several of my Blog friends did this last year and it looked such fun so I will be giving it a go too.

Thank you for such an interesting list.

Toni xx

Anonymous said...

Great list again Rinda with quite a few challenges in it - I can immediately see 7 that will be a challenge for me.

Patricia said...

I'd like to join in as well if I may. Looking forward to getting started.

Unknown said...

Having found you via my scrapbook buddies, I have jumped in with both feet! A non-blogger I have set up aFlickr account just for this. I have some photos up already :D

My name is sukyallen99 (hopefully that is the link :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great hunt...I have already posted my first 4 items!!!

Carole said...

I'm new to all this - saw it on bloom bake create! Such fun! Count me in!! I LOVE taking pics...mostly of my backyard birds. Now I have some focus. Thank you!
Just need to figure out this how to post them?!

Margie said...

What fun! I can't wait to play!

happysnapper said...

Great list we will enjoy joining in again.

Tina Campbell said...

What a cool list and a fantastic find, I come over from Becky's Scrapbook Burblings blog to check it out. Wow got to give this a try this summer looks like a total blast! and will be fun to make a smash page about each picture too.

Maggie said...

I'm new to this but going to have a go!

Maggie said...

Rinda . Any objects if I post my photos in an album on my timeline on Facebook as well?

Maggie said...

Sorry should read objections

Lady Ella said...

Hello - Just to let you know I'm playing too! Looking forward to what the quest throws up. :o)

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Hi Rhinda I'm so looking forward to this years hunt and with my big move coming up I'm hoping for some good shots. Thanks again for hosting :0)

Jo.C said...

I'm scheduled to post my fist three items tomorrow. Thanks for organising and looking forward to the challenges - namely the tattoo and the juggler at the moment :0)

Flora said...

I didn't participate last year, but I'm definitely in this year.

Chidkid said...

Ooh.. good list.. I'm going to join in this too this year.. in fact I've just blogged my first two pictures!

Gina said...

This sounds such fun! I'd like to join in if I may. I will upload to instagram xx

susibee said...

I'd like to join in too please:) It looks great fun. I've just added 2 pictures to my blog.

MiniOwner said...

Hello. I found you via my friends Susi and Jen. I'd love to join your treasure hunt - this is my first time. :) What a great list! Thank you. I blog at
Sue x

susibee said...

I found this on Elaine's blog - I hope you don't mind me joining in, it looks great fun:)

I have blogged my first two photos.

Unknown said...

Have finally decided to join in my first hunt and actually posted my first photo. Thanks for organising this. :)

Karen said...

Hi, found you through my friends Jen, Susi, Sue and Linds. Looking forward to joining you all - my blog is and I shall also post on FB :)

Elizabeth said...

Maria, I know it's been a while since I've posted on your blog, but I'd like to join in on 2014 Scavenger Hunt. Our daughter died in November so it's been tough for me. This hunt will help me a lot and add some fun into my life.

Sarah said...

Saw lots of blogging friends doing this last year & would love to join in this summer! great list!

Unknown said...

First three posted getting there slowly lol. Thanks for a great hunt. x

Kat Last said...

Heard about this through my friend Deb! Looking forward to it :)


Hazel A.. said...

Hi Rinda! Found out about this from Julie's Month in Numbers and so thought it'd be fun to give it a try. Working away; have four so far here

Rhodesia said...

Have just come back from holiday and forgot to take the list with me! I remembered a few though so may just have a start. New to your blog but looking forward to more searching :-) You can find me at
Looking forward to keeping my eyes open. Diane

Jane said...

I love this idea! I have been adding my pics to instagram @janefromthecupboard

Mrs.D said...

Not sure I will get very far on the list, but I saw this and just had to take a pic of it as a sign conveying nothing and it is in a 'foreign' language so meets requirement of no 16.
See under Scavenger Hunt in left hand side of my blog.

Mrs.D said...

I'm sure i commented ages ago, but can't find it so just another one to asay I am having fun with this.

Honoré said...

Hi Rinda,
Coming to this quite late in the season but I'm going to give it a try with the time left. Looks like great fun; thinking #s 3 & 15 will *really* be a challenge. Fingers crossed.

Gwen said...

I love this! How can you sign me up for next year? -Gwen