Saturday, March 24, 2012

House Warming Pot Luck Blog Hop

Welcome to my house!  Come on in and around back to the garden:
I'm assuming you're here as part of Deb's House Warming Blog Hop Pot Luck?  If not, you may want to check out Deb's post here to find out what's going on.  But, you're welcome to stay, regardless of how you got here!  Have a seat on a garden bench while I get you a drink:
I want you to enjoy a real, authentic California Margarita.  Not something made from a mix, but something made from actual ingredients.  Here's what you'll need:
Limes (one per drink- look for thin skinned, juicy ones)
Tequila (100% agave - silver is usually best)
Grand Marnier
Agave Nectar (look in the sugar and sweeteners aisle; available in grocery stores in the US)
To make the margaritas:
Place ice in a shaker.  Squeeze the juice of one lime for each drink. Add one shot of tequila and 1/2 a shot of Grand Marnier per drink.  Add one large squeeze of agave nectar per drink.  Shake well.  Pour into glass over ice.  Float a little more Grand Marnier on top.  Taste and correct sweetness as desired.
I usually serve these with tortilla chips and guacamole, but I also like to offer pistachios or spiced nuts, as well. Emeril Legasse has a good spiced nut recipe at this link, but be sure to read the comments for some hints on following it. Martha Stewart has a healthyish recipe here
You're welcome to stay as long as you like, but please don't give any tequila to Gypsy, no matter how cute she looks when she begs:
And when you're done, click on this link to hop on over to see Beverly in North Carolina, USA.  She's got a yummy appetizer waiting for you!
If you get lost along the way, here are links for the entire blog hop:

Deb @ PaperTurtle –
Rinda @ Gallo Organico –  (This is me!!! You are here!)
Beverly @ BE glorious -

Alison @ Life in the Slow Lane –
Fiona @ Staring at the Sea –
Amy @ Over at our Place -

Side/Main Dishes
The “Not So” Small One @ From High in the Sky –
Jacky @ Scrappy Jacky -
Deb @ Deb’s World –
Ginger @ Ginger’s Life of Spice -
Karen @ Tales from the Scrapheap -
Karen @ Random Reflections -
Ruth @ Everyday Life of a Suburban SAHM -

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita -
Ruth @ Chatty Crafty Arty Pig -
Margaret @ Finnegan Begin Again –
Becca @ La Jolie Fleur Rouge -
Cheri @ Scrap Dreams -
Carrie @ Rosalind Revival – 


Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Thanks so much for coming to my party, Rinda! I had so much fun in your backyard, and I think this is the first time I've ever had a margarita made from scratch!

LOVE your photos in this post!!! xo

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Your garden looks beautiful and filled with sunshine Rinda. I've never had a margarita either!

Beverly said...

Yay! We've always used mixes so I am super excited to have the real thing, can't wait to have the Chosen One try his hand at these. I didn't slip Gypsy any tequila but a few chips did seem to disappear from my hand ;)

Cheri said...

Love your yard and Gypsy looks so cute! I was just sipping water and I made sure Gypsy got some too!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful home and as for Gypsy, if Gypsy would ever like to be re-homed in Scotland then my door is always open. Adorable and so photogenic.

helena said...

enjoying the warmth of your welcome, the sun in yoru garden and your delicious drink

This West London Life said...

Cheers! Lovely so 'be' in your garden.

Jo.C said...

Beautiful garden - so colourful. Thank you from the warm welcome. These look delicious but have bad memories of Gran Marnier from my misspent youth :0)

Mommy2CVC said...

Looks yummy Rinda! Next time you come down I would like you to make me one please! Love your pixs as always!

beccaf1970 said...

Mmmm! I don't think I'll ever be able to drink a "mix" margarita again after tasting these! I wish I could spend all day in your beautiful!

Ginger said...

Hello Rinda :) I love your gorgeous backyard! Gypsy looks like she is enjoying our visit as well, she sure is cute and good thing Cheri gave her some water!

I LOVE tequila and have all these ingredients at home, so when I get back to my place, I can continue with my sun shiny margarita drinking mood!

GlorV1 said...

Great photos, and thx for the margarita recipe.:) Have fun.

Unknown said...

Love it! Your pictures of you (great self-portrait!) and your house made me happy I actually got to visit your house and wish I was there enjoying a margarita with you! Thanks for sharing this recipe! :)

Sian said...

What a lovely Spring Day for an outside party! It's not something we think about very often here, so a look round your garden in the sunshine is very welcome. And a few drinks? Thank you, that would be lovely!

furrypig said...

so glad to have visited your home and garden and a homemade margarita would go down a treat right now!! xxx

scrappyjacky said...

I'd love to try one,thanks,Rinda....and sitting in your gorgeous spring garden would be perfect.

debs14 said...

I think this is the first time I've tried a margarita made from all the individual ingredients and how lovely to enjoy it in the Californian sunshine.
So pleased I thought to bring a few dog-treats with me, that Gypsy is just too adorable to resist!

Anonymous said...

I have never tried a margarita before and am feeling quite tipsy from this one. Love your garden and really, really love Typsy ops I meant Gypsy - one margarita too many I think!

Lizzie said...

You have a lovely garden. So sunny and bright! Your house looks good too - from what I can see of it. And how nice to see your smiley face, greeting us as we arrive!

Have never had a Margarita. I'd like to try one, though I'm not sure if I should (I don't react well to alcohol)... It does sound refreshing though. Spiced nuts and tortillas & dips - now I can eat those!

Thank you for your hospitality. Please tell Gypsy I said she's cute!

Alison said...

I LOVE Margaritas Rinda...and these sound especially good..a new recipe for DH to try, though I might find it difficult getting the agave juice! Thanks for the lovely welcome..your garden is perfect for sipping Margaritas- and I felt rigt at home with the gorgeous Gypsy!
Alison xx

Karen said...

I would LOVE to sip a Margarita in your gorgeous backyard! Thanks for the recipe.

Amy said...

Yep, I knew you'd have a great drink for us! Yummo ... I'd better be careful though, if I have more than one, I won't be getting up off your deck .... just saying!

Margi said...

I so knew you were my kind of girl, ,,Margaritas all around! WOOT WOOT! Everything is beautiful and looks wonderful!

Margaret said...

Hi there, Rinda. A margarita sounds perfect right now.

Terry said...

How did I miss the party? I just love margarita's and maybe a little too much!!! Lovely blog party!

Becky said...

Gypsy looks so sweet! I've never had a margarita - sounds nice though!