So, I went back to the drawing board and created a double mailer called "captured muse." The idea is that I have captured the muse for my swap partner so that she will know where to find it anytime she seems to have lost her creative mojo. Here's the front and inside. I used Tim's shabby chic technique for the background on the inside:
But I cracked the glass on the captured muse when putting on the finishing touches. And I'm beginning to think my original one might be better. Please help me! Should I send my swap partner "Moon Garden" or "Captured Muse"? Which would you prefer to receive? Have you ever altered a slide mailer? It's fun!
Why not send both?
Could the glass be easily replaced?
And, no - I have not altered a slide mailer, I lead an extremely sheltered crafty lifestyle ;-)
Yes, I was wondering if you could either replace the broken glass piece or 'fix' it with, ummm, Diamond Glaze and maybe stick something over it like glitter?
I love them both! At first I thought I preferred the second one, but I also love the little drawing of the ladder going up to the moon and the alcohol inked background.
I've never seen these slide mailers before - they do look fun to alter.
I think they are both beautiful. Can you send both of them? Can the glass be repaired or the crack covered? I've never made or received a slide mailer before, but they seem quite fun!
I've never even heard of a slide mailer before. I have to say I am partial to "Captured Muse," but they both are lovely.
I've never altered a slide mailer before, and once again you inspire me to try new things.
My choice would be "Moon Garden". :o)
I like captured muse. Is the glass in danger of breaking more or are there sharp edges? I kind of like the crack, like the muse is trying to escape
I haven't ever seen one of these before either. Very cool idea. I think I do like the second one even more than the first and I kind of like the crack too!
I say leave the crack! But I do like the sassy face in the first one too ;-)
I've made many a slide mailer for swaps before - they are a great creative "canvas"!
Have never altered one of these. I like them both, but I really like the quote in the first one.
i think the broken slide can symbolize the muse trying to escape and i'd leave it the way it is and send it with a "i planned it that way" sort of thot :)
i love them both!!
I actually like the cracked effect...I'd be tempted to make more cracks....and then seal them with diamond glaze or something....and it will look quite intentional.
hahaha! I just put some of these in a RAK bag, because I never got around to doing anything with the ones I got from Club Scrap.
My favorite is Captured Muse, and I love that you cracked the slide. I think that gives it even more character. Awesome!
I love slide mailers!! They're both amazing, Rinda - I honestly couldn't choose between them. I think the crack in the glass adds to the second one so I certainly wouldn't worry about that x
Love these! Haven't altered a slide mailer in ages! I do like them both!
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