I got an email the other day that one of my favorite on-line shops, Scarlet Lime, was having a sale. Since I was in the middle of working hard on a project for work, I decided I deserved some retail therapy and went over to have a look. I filled my basket and was really happy later that week to open my box of goodies. I bought two Christmas 6x6 paper pads and a Tim Holtz configuration box, both of which were in the "clearance" section; a few scarlet lime pens and white sakura pens (both of which are essentials in my tool box); a fine point paint brush (something I needed); and a Dina Wakley stencil (a splurge). I think I probably spent less than $30 (including postage). I don't shop very often (probably four times a year), but I realized that this was a fairly typical shopping haul for me. I get a few things that I've wanted to try out or know I will use eventually from the clearance aisle; something new and fun; and a few essentials. And I began to wonder how the rest of you shop? Is there a method to your madness? Or are you an impulse shopper?
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I am not allowed to shop for craft supplies or books without a responsible adult with me. We have a TV channel devoted to Crafting and I am allowed to watch and point and drool.
This sounds like I am so restricted but it is ME that won't allow shopping alone because I get carried away sometimes and buy gadgets that I'll never use simply because they are gadgets. That's why I don't have a DSLR camera. I would love one but why pay hundreds of pounds for something that would remain on Auto the whole time.
I love Scarlet Lime as well....but sadly....or luckily....the shipping charges make it prohibitive for me.
I'm afraid I tend to be an impulse shopper....so it's a good thing there are no good craft shops near me....I usually buy most of my stuff at craft shows and exhibitions....again it's a good thing I don't go to too many!!
I tend to check out the sales of my favorite online shops, put a few things in the shopping cart (thus "owning" it for a few moments) and then ultimately decide the cost of shipping isn't worth it for the small stash of things I want. I usually end up buying my craft supplies from Michaels, although I will occasionally indulge in online sales for things I can't get at Michaels.
I found a Michaels to browse in in Orlando, but didn't come away with too much. Everything is definitely much cheaper than it is at home and I think most UK craft shoppers are used to watching the price when they buy. When bazzill is 50p a sheet I hate to waste it. Almost all my shopping is done online and sometimes I long for a real shop where I can see the colours properly before I buy
I've done more online shopping recently than I usually do. We have nothing but the box stores here, and I wanted some art supplies I can't purchase here. We made a quick trip to Chicago this week, and I made a run to Dick Blick. Picked up some small sketchbooks which are hard to find here, and a couple of supplies for watercolor and organizing sketching materials for travel. I need to put myself on a spending freeze for awhile.
Interesting discussion Rinda...how are you? I will be blogging some scavenger pics sometime soon!
Anyway I mostly buy from online stores and I must admit I am a sucker for a bargain! I have a few things on their way to me at the moment!
My basic shopping is amazon - just got sandpaper, deodorant, bars of soap and a scrub brush. So much easier, and faster than searching things out in several different stores - or trying to find one item and having to go to six stores before you find it. It is a shame that stores no longer carry basics - like scrub brushes (I went to five stores and not one had a decent scrub brush, so this time when I needed a new one it was internet shopping all the way). Once I had to begin going to several stores that used to carry a specific item - I began shopping online. Now it is my first choice. Most local stores are now chain stores anyway - we do have one local hardware store that carries about everything you could want from a hardware store and we do shop there often.
As for crafts - I'm finding similar problems with JoAnn Fabrics and Michaels - not the selection that I need - so I go to discount craft online sites. I'm finding that JoAnn Fabrics and Michaels carry carry a large selection of items that are specific to projects they are pushing - but not always general craft supplies all the time. I've never been disappointed with the service or the quality of discount online craft sites. I can search online so much easier than going to two stores that are huge and require a lot of walking - which is difficult for me because of polio when I was 5.
Online is the answer for me - I don't shop every day, that's for sure - but several times a month finds me looking up things on my list online.
Sporadically. I made it all the way to checkout at Scarlet Lime the other day and saw that the shipping was 50% YES 50% of my purchase total ....abandoned cart :( Bummed because I had found quite a few things in clearance but shipping is a deal breaker for me.
I am very fortunate to be given a supply of paper, card and embellishments each month from a craft shop, in addition to these I ask the owner to put an additional £10.00 of embellishments in with the kit so I shop without actually choosing what I get as she chooses what will go with the items she has chosen to give me. I do sometimes have a bit of a splurge if there is a sale with items I like and I have a craft shop a couple of miles down the road that I buy the odd piece of paper or punch from.
I can NEVER resist a sale or a bargain, my craft room is bulging at the seams but a sale makes me buy MORE :O
I used to have a kit delivered every month and regularly topped it up with stash but they have stopped and now I work full time I don't use as much as less time to craft - slightly annoying as I have more spare money to spend lol! Anyway I probably shop online about 4-5 times a year. Maybe a one off kit or some of the latest embellishments. I'm a sucker for enamel dots at the mo - I blame Shimelle! I would like to get to the big scrapbook show in London at some point but this Sep it clashes with my girl's weekend away. However you're post has prompted me to look at something else and just found a local craft fair at the end of August so I'm planning to go there, thanks Rinda!
I am definitely not an impulse shopper as I don't really like to shop. I go to the store with a list & come out with the items from the list! :>) EXCEPT when it comes to scrapbooking supplies - I buy what I like (or need) when I find myself at the LSS or Hobby Lobby. Typically my online shopping occurs only when I really need something specific.
It sounds like you made some wise purchases. I have been known to give in to the temptation immediately when I get an email about an online sale - I am especially partial to kit club kits on sale or warehouse boxes. I like having a bit of the unknown in what I am going to receive.
I am 99% an impulse buyer - the 1% that's when I have a specific project in mind. Have fun with all you got.
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