On Saturday morning, Paul and Clara went to the Feed and Fuel to pick up pullets (two month old hens). Clara will be raising them and selling their eggs, as a project for school. She got six chickens. One White Leghorn. It's a breed originally from Italy:
Clara named her Lavnerne! She also got two Ameraucanus hens (a breed from Chile), which lay colored eggs. One has a black muff:
And the other has a a small grey-orange muff:
She hasn't named these yet, and they seem like the sweetest, easiest-going of the hens. She also got three Buff Orpingtons (an English breed).
I can't really tell them apart, so I've taken to calling them Buffy 1, Buffy 2 and Buffy 3. Clara hasn't named these yet either. I think she's open to suggestions if you have any.
Yeah for hens! I am working on saving money for our chicken pen so that I can have six hens. First I have to apply to the council for a license but I can't wait. I haven't decided on the breed to stock yet but I do know that they won't be bantums! My older brother had them in his menagerie and they were nasty little things. I grew up around chickens and really miss them.
I have two Warrens and an Amber link. Warrens are stupid, no really stupid. Amber looks at them with contempt because they don't know how to do stuff like her. Like firking under the food dish after it has been emptied because there WILL be crumbs there or scratching the earth in the cornwe by the Virginia creeper because that's the place where the sun stays the longest in our garden. Amber knows these things but the Warrens simply don't remember it. They are always surprised to see me, as though they have never seen me before while Amber knows there will be treats when I appear
Good for Clara! This really does bring back childhood memories of my grandfather's chickens as well as the lady next door who kept chickens. When I was pretty young, the grocery store on the other side of our house actually kept a chicken coop out back. I wonder if I have any photos . . .
Yay for the chickens! Half of ours are Americaunas, we get blue or bluish green eggs from them (when they are laying, which they are not right now). We named our chickens things like Stew, Fricassee and Roasted even though we have no plans on eating them. :)
Wonderful idea, good luck to Clara in this venture , how about giving the Orpingtons nice old-fashioned English names like Elsie, Mabel, Marjorie, Mollie, Myrtle, Gladys, Doris....... They are a great breed, easy to look after and prolific lay-ers.
I would love to keep chickens, as I think I *may* have said before. I hope Clara enjoys rearing them and that they are good layers. I was thinking the Buffs could be named after the Downton Abbey daughters: Mary, Edith and Sybil!
Hens are so cute and they all have personalities. A friend of mine has three hens and they are wandering around freely during the day. One takes very long walks and isn't seen all day. An other one refuses to walk home in the evening, but wants to be carried by my friend's husband. Hope you post more pics as they grow.
I'm really looking forward to hearing more about Clara's chicken adventures on your blog, Rinda. I'm wondering how many eggs will be available for sale and how many will end up on your plates? There's nothing like an omelet made with fresh eggs! Yummmmm!
Well this is certainly all around fun with fabulous photo opportunities AND fresh eggs ♥ and more! oxo p.s. can you tell I got excited about the chickens ;)
1. A "wild heart" - a naturally occurring heart (like the rock above, but it doesn't have to be a rock) 2. A footprint or pawprint 3. A skeleton, bone or x-ray 4. A book or magazine read during 2016 5. A porch or deck 6. A camper (caravan) 7. A family gathering 8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you. 9. Someone playing with, in, or around water. 10. A bicycle 11. Fresh produce 12. A window 13. The moon 14. A buffet of food 15. A team logo 16. A map showing a trip taken during the time period 17. Twins 18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries 19. A seasonal cocktail or beverage 20. Someone laughing 21. A photograph of you with a newspaper or calendar page from the time period covered in the Hunt. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item. Alternatives - if you're having trouble finding any of the above, you may substitute from this list (but you may not substitute for item #21): alternative 1: a lighthouse alternative 2: a baby (human or animal)
Yeah for hens! I am working on saving money for our chicken pen so that I can have six hens. First I have to apply to the council for a license but I can't wait. I haven't decided on the breed to stock yet but I do know that they won't be bantums! My older brother had them in his menagerie and they were nasty little things. I grew up around chickens and really miss them.
I have two Warrens and an Amber link. Warrens are stupid, no really stupid. Amber looks at them with contempt because they don't know how to do stuff like her. Like firking under the food dish after it has been emptied because there WILL be crumbs there or scratching the earth in the cornwe by the Virginia creeper because that's the place where the sun stays the longest in our garden. Amber knows these things but the Warrens simply don't remember it. They are always surprised to see me, as though they have never seen me before while Amber knows there will be treats when I appear
Good for Clara! This really does bring back childhood memories of my grandfather's chickens as well as the lady next door who kept chickens. When I was pretty young, the grocery store on the other side of our house actually kept a chicken coop out back. I wonder if I have any photos . . .
They certainly take a good picture, I'll say that for them :)
Yay for the chickens! Half of ours are Americaunas, we get blue or bluish green eggs from them (when they are laying, which they are not right now). We named our chickens things like Stew, Fricassee and Roasted even though we have no plans on eating them. :)
Oh! how I would love some hens! , you could call two of them Havoc & Mayhem, I was just reading your post about blog friends x
How about ...Ebano and Rojo for the Chilean chickens? I LOVE chickens...we call them chooks here.
Wonderful idea, good luck to Clara in this venture , how about giving the Orpingtons nice old-fashioned English names like Elsie, Mabel, Marjorie, Mollie, Myrtle, Gladys, Doris....... They are a great breed, easy to look after and prolific lay-ers.
I would love to keep chickens, as I think I *may* have said before. I hope Clara enjoys rearing them and that they are good layers. I was thinking the Buffs could be named after the Downton Abbey daughters: Mary, Edith and Sybil!
Hens are so cute and they all have personalities. A friend of mine has three hens and they are wandering around freely during the day. One takes very long walks and isn't seen all day. An other one refuses to walk home in the evening, but wants to be carried by my friend's husband. Hope you post more pics as they grow.
Looking forward to following their adventure on your blog!
Isn't Laverne elegant! She looks quite the lady ... So looking forward to more stories and glimpses of them. I like Fiona's suggestion for names :).
I like Fiona's suggestion too - although you could go with the Buffy angle....
I like the chickens, they do look interesting, the eggs are tempting too.
I'm really looking forward to hearing more about Clara's chicken adventures on your blog, Rinda. I'm wondering how many eggs will be available for sale and how many will end up on your plates? There's nothing like an omelet made with fresh eggs! Yummmmm!
Well this is certainly all around fun with fabulous photo opportunities AND fresh eggs ♥ and more!
p.s. can you tell I got excited about the chickens ;)
Laverne looks so regal! Can't wait to hear about the adventures in raising them.
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