Monday, August 31, 2015

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt August Linky: Conquering Fear

Item #2: An Ornate Door Knocker
Hello, and welcome to the August linky for the 2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt! Today, I'm sharing what may be the most difficult and scary item from this year's hunt. This item was on a wintertime scavenger hunt, and I never found it. So, I put it on the Summertime hunt, and it's been pretty elusive. I've kept my eyes open as I've traveled around. Finally, I noticed this one on a door just around the corner from me. So, earlier this month, I pulled my car up in front of the house and took a photograph with my phone.
Immediately, the door flew open and the owner of the house came over to ask why I was taking a picture of her house! 
And I lied. I told her I liked, no, that I loved, her door knocker. I told her that I lived around the corner and had noticed it when I was walking my dog. Then I asked her if I could take a close-up of it. And she said okay. She was still looking a little suspicious, but she did say that she had just moved into the house and didn't like the door knocker at all and offered to give it to me when they redid their door. I politely declined and went on my way.
And I am so glad to have this item scratched off this summer's list!!!
I know that many of you have completed the Hunt, but don't worry if you're not yet finished. There's still a few more weeks left to complete the Hunt. You have until September 22, the official end of summer to find all the items.
If you've been playing along and have created a blog post about your adventures this month, please link up so everyone else can see what you've found. And please go try to visit some of the other scavenger hunt posts.


Ruth said...

That's a funny story! Could have been very awkward if she'd insisted that you take the door knocker home with you there and then!

debs14 said...

Quick thinking! I wanted to get a picture of a turtle which was part of a tattoo on the calf of a waiter at the beach bar we went to on holiday but couldn't come up with a valid reason why a middle aged English woman would be taking a photo of a young handsome Italian man's leg!

Maggie said...

Your story is hilarious. I must admit I was a bit self conscious photographing them too!

Lady Ella said...

Oh noooo! That would be my worst nightmare and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to explain myself sensibly if challenged. But the find is certainly a good one. Yesterday I took a pic of a woman being dragged along by three dogs (not sure who was walking whom!) and she turned round just as I snapped - but didn't say anything.

BJ said...

Just in time for the link-up a REAL carousel! In the pouring rain too, what devotion to the hunt! I have 3 outstanding but as 2 are substitutes and one has been substituted already I am essentially done. Love doing your scavenger hunt thanks Rinda - BJ xxx

BJ said...

PS love your door knocker situation, what a laugh!

Amanda said...

I think the Scavenger Hunt makes us do things we wouldn't normally do. Anything for the perfect photo. I've taken two in shops, fervently hoping that the staff wouldn't spot me and ask awkward questions.

Ladkyis said...

Last year when we needed a tattoo for the hunt I asked the waiter in a restaurant if I could take a picture of his arm. I explained why and he said yes. Then he said that the one on his chest was much better and proceeded to unbutton and expose!!
He was quite pretty and very young but the tattoo was good LOL

Cheri said...

I think I would have died on the spot if I was caught in the act! Kudos for being so brave!

Sian said...

I don't know what I'd do if I spotted someone photographing my door. You've got me thinking!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was really impressed with how you handled the situation, because you kept your cool even when you almost got busted by the lie. I am not sure I would have been that quick on my feet. I guess I'm too honest, because I often tell people what I'm doing and why I want a specific photo, whether it's for this hunt or a just because photo. This summer, however, I've gotten a bit sneakier and have used my long lens more and more to keep far in the background.

I'm so thrilled you put this project together, and I've really enjoyed it for a second year in a row. I never had a digital camera that would have taken decent photos before that!

helena said...

the things we do for the hunt!! Glad I found my door knocker in a museum

Abi said...

Oh gosh! What a situation. Very well done, I think I would have just turned bright red and mumbled. Imagine if she reads your blog....!

Becky said...

What a great story to go with the door knocker!

alexa said...

Phew! That was a lucky escape - a neat bit of quick thinking there :).

Halle said...

So much fun!!!

Jane said...

I know just how you feel!!

JansArtyJunk said...

OMG what a great story, so funny...what we do to get a photo!! I searched everywhere for an ornate door knocker, in London, Essex and even abroad in Spain!! ...without luck!
...then remembered that my M-I-L has one on her front door!!
Jan x

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Aside from the fact that I couldn't find and door knocker in the neighborhood, I was afraid the same thing would happen to me. You are braver than I am. Have a grand day!

Hazel A.. said...

This is great Rinda! I had my husband photograph the door knocker because I was too chicken! You managed this wonderfully!

Alison said...

The things we do for this Scavenger Hunt! xx

Elizabeth said...

Oh, that was a scary experience! And just think, you might have felt obliged to accept her kind offer too :)

Nathalie said...

This lady must have thought you were nuts! :) Funny story... in the end! I will scramble with the last few I need but I just posted more finds today. Off to check a few other. Have a great weekend!