Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Zoom In < Zoom Out #3: Guide Dogs for the Blind

Helena is hosting a weekly photo meme in 2014 she calls zoom in zoom out. I've really enjoyed seeing all the photos of people playing along this year. Several people have posted a series of photos (I had only been thinking about pairs of photos), and I decided to give that a try this week. So, here's three photos from our recent visit to the Guide Dogs for the Blind School. These were all taken in the puppy kennel area.  
This is such a versatile meme; looking forward to seeing the various interpretations.


Amy said...

I've only thought of this in terms of a pair as well - probably because the title lends itself to one of each ... but of course there is no reason why a series wouldn't work!

Lesley G said...

Sooooooo cute :)

Anonymous said...

That's a great threesome Rinda. Does the school only use the one breed? The one here uses a variety including standard bred poodles.

helena said...

so cute and a wonderful use of the meme

scrappyjacky said...

Great photos.

furrypig said...

they are adorable... so sweet!

This West London Life said...

What a gorgeous set of loveliness!

Jimjams said...

Gorgeous puppies - and going to be such BIG helps in the future too. I like the idea of a series too - I think this meme has great potential to stay fresh all year - so far I've actually done ZOZI rather than ZIZO ;-D

Cheri said...

What's not to love about photos of puppies???

JO SOWERBY said...

lovely pictures and a gri meme
Jo xxx

Sian said...

It really gets you thinking, seeing them at the start of it all like that

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I love the photos! Such cute puppies! Seeing your post reminded to get my own up. :)

alexa said...

You capture their vulnerability yet resilience very well in the angles of these photos - I admire your and Clara's dedication to them.

sky-blu-pink said...

Love this zoom in zoom out, great angle!

Karen said...

Great set of photos; that puppy is adorable!

Missus Wookie said...

Such potential - hope they all make the grade. I like the series too.

Miriam said...

Oh that little face... I like the sets of three pictures I have seen and your set is no exception. I sponsored a dog like this last year but unfortunately he didn't make the grade but he found himself a forever home.
These dogs are amazing aren't they?

Miriam said...
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Miriam said...
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Miriam said...
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Miriam said...
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Miriam said...

It looks like Blogger & I had a little altercation this evening! Sorry.

Sandie said...

How cute are these!

Melissa said...

I like the photo series - great shots!

Prairie Jill said...

Great series. I'm in love with the little puppy in the first shot - such a sweet, sad expression!