As I wandered deeper into the back yard of the shop, I found myself enveloped by the calming sounds of burbling water. Surrounded by fountains of every shape and size, I stopped, closed my eyes and soaked in the soothing sound. The air was cool; the sky, a sparkling blue. I had come to shoot dinosaurs for the Scavenger Hunt and decided to take a quick walk through the statuary in the hopes of finding a sun dial. Now, I slowed my pace, enjoying the peaceful environment. I trained my lens on fountain after fountain, finding peace in the falling water captured in my viewfinder. I wondered at the ability of photography to ground me and bring me peace, even in the midst of a hectic month. Later, looking at my images, this photograph brought me back to that place of peace. When I look at it, I hear the water and feel myself relaxing once again.

Each month, Kat Sloma hosts Photo Heart Connection which encourages photographers to review their images from the month and choose the one which "gives you the strongest connection to your heart and soul." This peaceful photo is it for me. Interestingly, when I reviewed my images from this month, there were other contenders, all of which also touched me because of the peace I found in the viewfinder.
A solitary chair on the beach.
Looking up into eucalyptus trees in Stern Grove.
Empty bleachers at the soccer stadium.
As always, you can get a larger, better view of the photographs by clicking on them. You can visit this link to see other PHC connections or to link up your own. Do you find these photos peaceful? Do you crave peace at this time of year? I guess I do.
I am finding a lot of peace through the viewfinder at the moment - probably best displayed by my current mini series of still lifes and the stark backgrounds depicting solitary objects.
You have completely captured the peacefulness of the moment in your photos. Beautiful!
That top photo speaks of peace to me too - definitely crave peace at this time of year. Was telling Wookie this morning I will have my quiet time today, felt frazzled without it yesterday. Thanks for the reminder.
Amazing shot of those huge eucalyptus trees Maria -- it's such a busy time of year for us it's difficult to slow down, but I'm trying. I like that you reminded me to do this.
Thanks so much for the visit.
I find that being out of doors brings me peace and even more so at this time of year. Every thing is so beautiful.
Yes, they all capture a feeling of peace - but, for me, the chair on the beach especially. We didn't make it to the beach the year - and while I'm not a sunworshipper - sitting and soaking up the sun for just a little bit has always been very restorative and restful to me.
With the kind of day I had, I could use a a moment of peace. How I wish I was sitting on that bench on the beach.
I feel peace just looking at that waterfall. I like the sense of perspective looking through a viewfinder can give. Big worries seem to fade when we try and find beauty in other objects.
I do find your photos peaceful, Rinda, and your words are soothing as well. :o) I agree that it is completely possible to find peace through your viewfinder. I do it regularly myself!
Water takes me to a place of peace too. Lovely capture!
That was quite a picture you painted. I could see what you saw and hear what you heard.
It is so interesting that you were drawn to peaceful photographs all around this month. I tell ya, our heart really does know what we need, we just have to listen. Wonderful texture in your chosen image, and I feel the peace coming through it and your words. Thank you for sharing in the Photo-Heart Connection, as always!
It's a lovely idea to bring back to mind of particular photo - I could almost hear that water myself and sense the peace and stillness.
I love the trees - the trunk has quite a twist to it, amazing!
And I wanted to splash in it, it looks so calming and refreshing.
Beautiful post and images! Like you, I also find peace through the viewfinder.
Looks so peaceful, great serie
Gorgeous photos! I just love looking up at huge expansive trees like this one. I also find peace this way.
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