Sunday, March 6, 2011

My first car (Story telling Sunday)

A true story inspired by one of Sian's Random Five Facts and posted to her story telling Sunday:
My first car was a 1963 Chevrolet Valiant Stationwagon. It looked a lot like the car in the advertisement above (still limping along in the computer department, so this is the best I could do). It was already fifteen years old when it came into my possession and not in the best repair.  Every morning, I filled it up with water (which leaked overnight) and checked the oil (which had to be replenished every week or so).  The biggest problem (probably related to these first two) is that it would overheat if I tried to drive more than a mile without giving it a chance to cool off.  No worries, though, as my high school was just under a mile from my house.  I was able to drive it to and fro.  And, at lunch, I knew every lunch hotspot within a mile radius of my high school. It served me well for my junior and senior years. When I went away to college, I left it with my parents.  None of my siblings would deign to drive it. It sat unattended in front of their house for years. And then one day it disappeared. Against all good sense, someone had stolen it!  A few months later, it was recovered.  The police told my parents it had been used in a robbery but had broken down during the get-away.  Apparently, the crooks lived more than a mile from the store they had held up. . .


humel said...

Oh Rinda, your story made me literally laugh out loud! A lovely story, with a funny ending :-) Thanks for sharing! xx

Mary B said...

Now that is a story with a funny twist in its tail made me giggle.

Heather said...

Now theres a case of Divine Intervention if ever I heard one :) !!!
serves them right :)

Amy said...

Moral of the story ... don't steal! hehehehehee, very funny Rinda, though, why did you need a car to drive less than a mile?

Anonymous said...

LOL here too! I didn't have a car until I was a graduate student. It was a bit better than yours, but not without problems.

Carola Bartz said...

Fist cars... they always seem to have had their problems. Your story with the robbers is hilarious!

Terry said...

Loved the story! Oh my, I am not even sure what the first car was I drove. My first car that I bought was a Pontiac LeMans - Red and I am thinking 1967! I would have to ask by brother! Oh baby, I loved that car! I always had some really cool cars and now I drive a Buick Century!

Miriam said...

What a great story, I just love that ending! x

scrappyjacky said...

This read was such a great start to a Monday, Rinda....I'm still laughing as I type!!!!
Though I do wonder, with Amy, why you needed a car to go less than a mile??

Sian said...

LOL! Brilliant story Rinda. And I know why you needed a car to go less than a mile - it's the coolness factor, right? I did the same thing myself. I drove my brother and sister to school in my little brown car and everyone thought this was very cool because so few students had cars. What they didn't realise was that my mum was no longer able to drive and that was the only reason the car was mine.

This West London Life said...

Great story with a fun twist at the end ... and I also want to know why you drove less than a mile?

Irene said...

Loved your story. The ending had me laughing. Thanks for sharing.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

LOL! Great story! My first car was a 1972 Dodge Dart with problems similar to yours. But it could go 20 miles before overheating

Tammy Lee Bradley said...

Too funny. Thanks for sharing. xo tam

Unknown said...

Hahahhahahahahah! Silly thieves! :) Great story! My first car was a Chevy Chevette which lasted me a whopping 3 months before it died in the mall parking lot. My 2nd car (sadly) lasted much longer, a circa 1974, baby-poo green Dodge Aspen with fake "hood-locks" and the last car I owned with a bench seat.

Ginger said...

LOL! Great story, I'm sure the thieves had many regrets in stealing it!