Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's a House Party (collaborative blog project)

Many of you mentioned that you would like to do a collaborative blog project, and I've come up with an idea.  To get in the mood, click on this link and watch a bit of this video of one our favorite high-energy songs.  Okay, ready?
I'm going to host a "house party" as a collaborative blog project.  It will be based on making altered houses, like the one at left or the ones posted at this linkthis link, or this link.  Here's how it will work:
1.  If you want to make an altered house, email me at with your regular mail address.  I will send you a house kit, which you can use to decorate the house (feel free to use as much or as little of what's in the kit; feel free to add anything from your own stash).  This offer is open to anyone (domestic or international), whether you have a blog or not, and whether or not you want to participate in the second other part of the house party.
2.  I will then organize a blog hop for anyone who made a house, who has a blog and wants to participate.  The blog hop will be in early May.  If you want to participate, please don't post your completed house until the date of the blog hop.  If you want to participate in the blog hop, let me know that in your email and be sure to include your blog address. On the day of the blog hop, each participant will post their completed house and link to another blog. Full details will be given to all blog hop participants in plenty of time to figure it all out.
I hope this sounds like fun.  If it works, I'll come up with another idea for May/June.


scrappyjacky said...

This sounds great,Rinda....I'm definately in.

Margi said...

Rinda, I love your houses and altho not a full time scrap/altering person I'd love to join in and give it a try. I'm there!

Sian said...

I'm in, Rinda! This sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for organising it. I'll email you.

humel said...

Houses, who'd have thought it... ;-) I *love* this idea, and I'm definitely in! x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lots of fun. I'm in, too!

sharyncarlson said...

Yay! I'm in, too :) Sounds like fun!

SarahLP said...

Ooooh, this sounds great fun! Thanks for organising this, Rinda. Please count me in for both parts. We are just waiting to exchange contracts on our new house - once we have, I'll email you our new address. Perfect project for a new home I reckon!

debs14 said...

This sounds good, include me in please!!! Will email straight away ...

nancy y said...

this sounds like fun Rinda! Just the right thing to start spring off with a bang!

Kimberlee said...

You rock. What a fun idea. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. I just sent you an email. :)

Cherry said...

Love the sound of this Rinda - totally fab idea. I'd like to play too. Hugs Cherry XXX

Denise said...

Can I play too ? will email you x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

This is so nice of you to organize, Rinda! Yes, I would LOVE to play along!!! I think you already have my contact info, but I'll send you an email just in case. :o)!!!

Ruth said...

I'd love to play along, please.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Me too, please. I found you via Ruth's blog.