Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Details of 2016 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt

Tomorrow is June 1, and that will mark the return of the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt! I've really enjoyed hosting this event for the last few years, and I'm looking forward to doing it again this year.  Interesting items to add to the list have been floating through my mind and ideas about how to structure it have been simmering there as well.
For those of you who haven't participated before, I host this event starting on June 1 and running until the last day of summer (September 21, 2016). I post a list of about 20 items for people to find and photograph during the summer. 
I encourage people to blog about their finds, and I host a link-up once a month. There's also an instagram tag (#rindas2016photohunt)  and a facebook page. The original idea was to create a list which gets people out and about during the summer months to explore places they might not otherwise go, but I also include items which are somewhat challenging to find. The time frame is long enough that most people are able to find most of the items without being too stressed. It's become a way for people to open their eyes and be aware of their surroundings and also a way to see the great variety of items found around the world. There's usually about 60 participants from all over the globe, which means some people are actually participating in the summertime scavenger hunt during the winter (those in Australia and New Zealand).
The scavenger hunt is free and open to everyone! If you don't have a blog, you can put your images in a flicker account or any other photo hosting site that works for you. The only rule is that the photo needs to be taken during the time frame of the Hunt (no using old photographs from your archives).
You can click on this link to see all my old scavenger hunt posts. Last year's list is available here. The 2014 list is here. The 2013 list is here. You can click on this link to find the 2012 list. The 2011 list of items is clickable here. 


  1. Yeah to SPSH - thank you SO much Rinda (Maria) for organizing this activity for us. I am all in (again).

  2. Hooray! I was wondering if you were going to host this again, and I'm so happy to see that you are. I'll be back tomorrow to copy the list. My effort was weak last summer, but I'm ready to take it on this year! xo

  3. I became a follower after reading last years' posts. I can't wait to play...my sister doesn't have a blog but she is a photographer and I think she will have fun with it too, can't wait to play!!!


  4. ON PINS! I am absolutely on pins waiting for the list. We went out today and I could have been snapping all sorts of stuff but all I managed was a few green welsh vallys and my mother-in-law's crocodile - I feel a blog coming on!

  5. YAY - always fun to do - thank you Rinda xxx

  6. Can't wait to see what you've come up with for this year's list!

  7. thanks Rinda...I am all set and raring to go!

  8. On holiday in Portugal, will be finding wifi later so I can download the list. I can't wait!!!
