Monday, July 6, 2015

Me on Monday

Happy Monday!
What kind of a weekend was it?
It was a celebrating 4th of July weekend with family and friends

Playing board games (wits and wagers; rumiko) and not just to pose for the #4 Someone playing a board game or card game for the 2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt

Enjoying BBQ
And shooting off fireworks!
While my boy was off in another city, driving the float for his baseball team in the Vallejo 4th of July parade:
And my girl sent word that she made it to Machu Picchu in Peru:

It was also a taking the dogs for a walk on the hill to capture #16 a panoramic view from up high
And working away on an article and preparing for my final week of class, both of which have kept me from visiting blogs much but have an end in sight!
How was your weekend? Stop on over to Sian's blog From High in the Sky to wave hi.


  1. Driving a float That's quite a responsibility.Wow! 4th July celebrations always sound like so much fun. We don't have anything quite like it.

    Have a great week Rinda. Hoping you "get your head up" soon, as we say round here..

  2. my goodness you had a good time!!! Now have a wonderful week! Cathy

  3. Looks like you had a great weekend of celebrating.

  4. Looks like you had a fun weekend and got another 'find' or two for the hunt :)

  5. 4th of July celebrations always look so good.

  6. Sounds like it was a FUN weekend of celebrating for y'all all around the world! So glad to Clara's trip ended well - she is so beautiful & is sure to have a wonderful adventure over there! We had a quiet weekend mostly, BBQ at my parent's for the 4th & lots of puttering around the house & craft room.

  7. You seemed to have had fun on the Fourth of July weekend! Machu Pichhu is one of the places I would love to visit one day - your daughter is lucky! Did she go all on her own?

  8. Another one here who regrets there's no Fourth of July celebrations here...glad to see a smiling Clara after her travelling traumas! Xx

  9. wonderful adventures your two are having and looks like you had lots of fun too

  10. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend :)

  11. We love Rummikub here. I bought my first set in NYC! What a fab experience for your daughter - I would dearly love to visit there. A be,acted happy 4th July x

  12. We love a good board game here. Not heard of either of those. What an amazing trip to take. Looks like a great 4th of July weekend all round.

  13. Sounds like you had a great weekend even with the kids away.
