Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Frugal Still Life Photography: Complimentary Colors

This week's lesson in the Frugal Still Life Photography class was about shooting complimentary colors and trying to get an "old world" feeling through the use of shadows. The latter idea was also explored in last week's lesson on metering, but I skipped that lesson because I was traveling (and, well, the whole metering discussion also went a bit over my head). In any event, I decided to work with the split complimentary colors of purple and green. I went outside because I find that nature often displays the perfect color combinations. I picked a bunch of lavender and brought it inside to play with.  I arranged a white table cloth on a chair near a window and selected one of my Belleek trays to hold the buds. I like the crispness of focus I got on the lavender (you can see it better if you click on the photo to enlarge it) and the overall softness of emotion in the image. I wish I left more white space around the tray, but I wanted to avoid getting any of the details embroidered on the table cloth into the shot! I did a whole different set-up, but I decided to save that photograph for Valentine's Day . . . so come back then if you want to see it.  As always, I love feedback on my photography!


  1. Oh, this is lovely. I love the up close shot where you can see the detail! Nice!

  2. I always love green and purple together, and think you got just the right balance of white!
    Reminds me to get out the Belleek plate my Mom gave me and display it in the china cabinet!

  3. Oh this is so pretty, Rinda. I LOVE that bowl - oh my goodness. Love it.

  4. Absolutely beautiful.

  5. The lavender has come up really well - I like your lighting too.

  6. Is it French lavender? Much bigger flowerheads than our native varieties.

  7. The lavender is perfect with the delicate Belleek china. It reminds me of my mum's dressing table - she used to keep lavender heads in a Belleek bowl :). The lighting just cards the right degree of shade,

  8. This is so so pretty Rinda. I love the contrast here. The dark and the light, the purple and the cream the hard and soft. Really lovely.

  9. Love how you've arranged that lavender - gorgeous bowl.

    Glad you are back and had time to play :)

  10. A lovely photo Rinda! I skipped last week, too . . . because it went over my head & I was busy, but I'm hoping to maybe give it and this week's ideas a try later today.

  11. beautiful lady and lavender!
    you are so lucky to walk out and be able to pick some too :)

  12. Love your setup Rinda. I totally agree about nature lending its colors so well. Very pretty china that goes so well with your other objects!

  13. Hi Rinda,
    Your set up and photo is so pretty, the green and lilac does go so beautifully together!
