Sunday, February 2, 2014

PHC: Enjoying Life; Finding Peace

January was a good month for photography. I took out my camera and played.  A lot. Partly due to the Frugal Still Life Photography class I'm taking; partly due to the arrival of the chickens. So, I had a good selection of images to review to find my PHC: the one photograph which gives me the strongest connection to my heart and soul. And this is the one which called to me. A still life with feathers and alstroemeria buds and a rustic blue honey pot which makes me smile and think of Winnie the Pooh. And that's why I chose this photograph - it makes me smile. It makes me feel happy and at peace. It's a reflection of having time to play and enjoy life; of not being stressed and tightly scheduled. There's a looseness of composition; a looseness of purpose. In some ways it's the opposite of this photograph (my PHC from July) chosen when I was searching for order and stability and control:
Because right now I am enjoying some freedom to breathe, to enjoy life, and to be at peace.
There were two other contenders for PHC this month. The first captured Clara and beautiful lighting. You can read the journaling in this post.
And the second, a still life of Lladros inherited from my mother:
The more I looked at this photograph during this month, the more I liked it. To me, it has a fairy tale feel. I imagine the story: a beautiful princess and her loyal polar bear servant, emerging from the court to go on adventures near and far. 
Photo-Heart Connection is a monthly photography practice hosted by Kat Sloma. To see the other entries from February or to join in, click on this link.


  1. I come away from your post with a feeling of looseness as well... I love how you've written of creating space to breathe and be at peace. Inspiring! And great contrast with your PHC photo from half a year ago. Thank you so much for your ongoing participation in the Photo-Heart Connection. You are a cherished member of the community!

  2. A lovely image... I can see the relaxation and calmness!

  3. I love that blue pot and the yellow feather. Beautiful collection.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm glad to see that your picture of Clara and that beautiful sunset made it into your PHC.

  6. I did so love your photo of Clara and am pleased to see it gets included - that blue is lovely. Reminds me of bluebells and May, and gas a great simplicity.

  7. wonderful photo...I just love a photo that warms my heart and makes me smile!

  8. This is a very beautiful PHC Rinda. I remember the photo of Clara, so beautiful and the coiled rope perfect for the way you were feeling then.

  9. How lovely to have a photo that expresses your feelings of freedom, joy, and peace. A perfect selection for PHC.

  10. I appreciate that you showed us your top choice and all the contenders. Each one is lovely, and your stories that go with them make them even more appealing.

  11. Such a beautiful blue honey pot which expresses how you feel right now. Making time to play and enjoy life is so important and it's so nice that this photo reminds you of that.

  12. I'm still loving that picture of Clara. I really do think it's going to be your photo of the year

  13. Your little honeypot made me think of Winnie-the- Pooh too!...and I'm another fan of the photo of Clara!
    Alison xx

  14. Your little honeypot made me think of Winnie-the- Pooh too!...and I'm another fan of the photo of Clara!
    Alison xx

  15. Wonderful photos!I love the one of Clara!

  16. I love the beautiful blue of that honey pot - I've never seen one like it - and how it compliments the rust-colored feather. There's a nice, natural feeling to this still life.

  17. I love the blue pot and the feeling that it represents for you. I adore that shot of Clara. Most of all I <3 this "Because right now I am enjoying some freedom to breathe, to enjoy life, and to be at peace."

  18. Such professional looking shots! I particularly like the one with the spiral of rope, fab!

  19. Love that blue honey pot. I collect them and have never seen one that color.

  20. I just love that photo of Clara - it is really serene.

  21. Can't decide between the beautiful blue pot or the beautiful Clara.

  22. Winnie the Pooh is one of my all time favourites so the blue pot spoke to me today! Clara is so beautiful.

  23. Beautiful, Rinda - your photos and your words. Just beautiful.

  24. Lovely photo - it does feel happy & free.

  25. Here's to smiling, finding joy in the simple things, and loving life! Wonderful photo!

  26. Your photography is so inspiring Rinda, beautiful, thoughtful work :o)
