Monday, November 25, 2013

Brave and Wild at Heart (A Simple Moment)

Reclining into the soft cushions in the corner of the new bed, I look up and see her silhouetted against the blue sky and green trees out the back window. Her beauty takes my breath away - the curve of her cheek, her long, long eyelashes and that gorgeous head full of curls. But what really strikes me is the peace and serenity in her face. She's happy and relaxed. I pause and breathe in the moment. Oh, how long it's been! And how I have yearned to see her this way. 
We've spent the last few weeks cleaning and painting Henry's room so she could move in. Yesterday we went to Target and bought new bedding in her color palette: turquoise, orange and white.  While we were there, I couldn't resist these signs:
She loved them, too. We decorated her room and hung the signs where she could see them. 
I treasure this time together, decorating her room, hanging the signs, giggling and talking about her friends and her future. For the first time in a long time, she is feeling good about herself, confident and ready to follow her heart, to find her voice, to discover her passions. 
A Simple Moment is a lovely meme sponsored by Alexa of Trimming the Sails. You can read other November moments at this link.


  1. What a great post. I'm so pleased to read it because I know you were a little concerned about her a while ago. It sounds like she has now sailed through those troubled waters and come through the other side.
    What great vibrant colours.

  2. Such a lovely post,Rinda....I'm so glad that she is now in a much happier place.

  3. Such a precious moment, thank you for sharing

  4. Ah, what a wonderful post! And I love those bright colors!

  5. It's great to hear that Clara is in a good place at the moment.....I am so looking forward to seeing my own girl at the weekend,
    Alison xx

  6. This makes my heart sing, Rinda. I love where Clara's path is taking her, and I can't help but feel that the challenges your family has been faced with over the past couple of years have made her gloriously strong and so much more confident. It's amazing what beautiful blessings can be hidden among trying times.

  7. I'm glad she is feeling so well again! Love the colors in her room

  8. Who wouldn't be happy in this wonderfully cheerful room? Great work Rinda.

  9. A lovely post and I am glad that Clara is in a happier place xx

  10. Great colour scheme, bold choice for a happy and confident young lady! Great posters too, very motivating!

  11. Lovely colour scheme and that bed does look comfy (Princess is a Stitch fan too) with all the cushions. Nice posters as well.

  12. It certainly is her Time. Great post and I'm so happy that she is finding herself.

  13. I love the colour scheme & those posters :-)

  14. Rinda, I am so sorry to be so late catching up (lurching from mini-crisis to mini-crisis here), and so delighted to read your bright and happy post! The pleasure and relief in your voice is audible, and I too am glad to hear there is a corner being turned. Such a vibrant colour mix ... I was so very touched, given how full and busy your life is, that you have joined in this month, and my heart is singing too :).

  15. oh i'm so glad to hear she is doing well!!! Mariana

  16. What a wonderful post Rinda. So glad that she's in a happier place. Nice colour combo.
