Saturday, November 23, 2013

Five Things About My Boy

Henry's been at the University of Oregon for two months, and he's fully engaged in being a Duck! Here are five things going on in his life right now:
1. He's pledged to the Sigma Chi fraternity. Although neither Paul nor I were involved in "Greek Life" at college, we're doing our best to be supportive of his choice. We trust him to have picked a group of young men with decent values, rather than just a good place to party. It's been fascinating to see everything that he needs to do to become a member including a weekly test (covering facts about his fraternity; various social graces, like how to set a table and tie a tie; as well as other things, such as the University fight song and the Greek alphabet); attending a weekly study table; dressing up in slacks and a tie on Wednesdays; and doing dishes at the frat house.
2. He was selected for the club soccer team (the highest level for men's soccer at the University of Oregon).  Eighty students tried out for sixteen spots; he was one of only three freshman to make the team. He travels all over Oregon for his league and the western United States for tournaments. The team is leading the Cascade Collegiate Soccer League and came in second in a regional tournament held in Salt Lake City, Utah. He's worked his way into a starting spot, and he has scored four goals. Paul went up for a father-son weekend at the fraternity and got to see him play two games. The team plans to attend a tournament in Northern California this spring, and I'm definitely planning to go watch him play.
3. He loves going to University of Oregon football games and is looking forward to attending basketball games as well.  Attending college games was one of the reasons he chose to go to the University of Oregon, so I'm glad the football team is having a good season.
4. He's learning to live away from home. He's got a great roommate, but Paul reports that the boys are a bit slovenly! College classes are different than high school classes, and he's doing his best to manage the transition. I'm proud of how he's doing so far and know he'll make it work.
5. He comes home on Wednesday for Thanksgiving! I can't wait!
And this just in . . .
The team won both their games this weekend  (Henry scored in both) to win the league championship!  Henry's #7 (second from the left in the front row). Go ducks! Quack quack!


  1. Item one is a mystery to me! I think this is something that is pure American!
    Sounds like he has settled really well, being so successful at sports must be a huge boost to his confidence. Well dine Henry. Maybe one day we'll see him on the Manchester United starting line up!

  2. Oh no, Spurs I hope!!

    Sounds like he's settled in well and is a credit to you both.

  3. No. 1 is a mystery to me too!! But it certainly sounds like he's settled and is busy.
    Slovenly....isn't this something that afflicts most teenage boys!!

  4. I've seen Animal House, I understand frat houses - LOL. He sounds like he has his priorities just right. My eldest grandchild has started at University doing an outdoor activities and environmentalist something or other course. He is regarded as a "mature" student being the grand old age of 24.
    I can feel the pride you have for him in every word.

  5. Great 5 x
    No sure about no 1,
    but my eldest son started uni this september & slovenly is definitely a word that could be used to describe him!!
    Think it's a boy thing :)

  6. Congrats to Henry on the soccer team; but it's no surprise to me! Looks like he's off to a wonderful start.

  7. and item 5, perfect...I can feel your excitement.

  8. Oh Rinda, it sounds like he's doing wonderfully! Congrats to him for making the club soccer team. Enjoy your time with him home & have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!!

  9. Have a wonderful time at Thanksgiving

    The Fraternity thing is a bit of a mystery to most of us on this side of the pond..maybe there's another post in that!

  10. Lovely five and well done to H for getting on the team. Princess comes home Friday for the weekend - to celebrate Advent so I understand your excitement. Slovenly is the way she describes most of the others in her block, I remember Tigger saying she was astonished at what some other students considered clean...

  11. How lovely to hear how well Henry is settling into Uni life....and I have watched enough American TV and movies to 'get' the Frat House thing! Have a wonderful time together on Thursday!
    Alison xx

  12. LOVE this post! You really might want to do a post about Greek Life if that many people only have an Animal House knowledge. So many great things about it and the good they do. I had a boyfriend that bailed on a frat because of the whole having to do the dishes thing lol And wow, yes! those Ducks are playing great football this year. I know first hand how happy college sports can make a college boy/girl ;)

  13. I just now made the connection between where Henry goes to school and Mayhem's favorite college football team! I have no idea why he's fixated on the Ducks but he is. :)

    I was in a sorority in college. The Greek life can be great places to make connections & learn all sorts of things. I really enjoyed my time.

    I'm glad to hear he's getting settled in and doing so well with soccer.

  14. Clever boy you have Rinda. My stepson is in his 2nd year university of architecture. It's great to see them growing up and learning to be adults, isn't it ? xxx

  15. So happy for Henry. Happy that you will get to see him for Thanksgiving too. Have a wonderful time catching up with his college experiences.

  16. I'm so glad to hear that Henry is adjusting well to college life. I knew he would! And it's so fun that he is still enjoying successes in soccer! I know you will be so happy to have him home for a few days this week. Happy Thanksgiving, Rinda!!! xo

  17. Glad to hear he is settling well and doing well with the soccer. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week x

  18. Glad he is settling in well. No 1 is a total mystery here, although my son has joined a few societies at Uni there is nothing like that.

  19. It's great to hear that he has settled in well and congrats to him on making the soccer team. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
