Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Be Like Mike

Earlier this month, my friend Mike posted on faceboook that he wanted to challenge himself to try new things outside his comfort zone and asked friends to suggest things for him to do. Right away, a mutual friend suggested that he come help her with her bee hive. He said yes!
I asked Mike if sketching and drawing were outside his comfort zone, and he said "definitely." I suggested a lesson in drawing faces, and he agreed.  This morning we met for coffee, and I taught him some of the basics of drawing a face. We discussed the importance of creativity, of overcoming embarrassment and silencing the inner critic. I left the cafe with this pencil sketch, which I later turned in to the art journal page up top.
It's the first time in a while that I've sat down and done anything creative, and it felt really good! Once again, I was reminded that when I offer to do something to help a friend,  I usually receive more than I give. 


  1. inspiring - that he asked; how you and your friend responded; that he said yes

  2. I like that art page and agreeing that often when we give we receive.

  3. What a great idea, and I agree, when we give we receive far more in return. Could you teach me how to draw a face?

  4. Your comment about giving is so true. Wish we lived closer, I'd love a lesson on sketching!

  5. Sketching and bee keeping are both way out of my comfort zone. So I'm impressed!

  6. Good for him to do something out of his comfort zone and wonderful for you and your friend to teach him something new.

  7. This is such a cool idea, Rinda. And I'm impressed with your friend Mike for taking the steps necessary to get out of his comfort zone.

  8. gorgeous drawing, love the colours. BJ

  9. It is lovely when you give and receive more back. I love that Mike is embracing new things, something for us all to think about seriously.

  10. Yes I totally agree about giving and receiving. I would love a lesson from you Rinda. I definitely have an inner critic when it comes to sketching!

  11. Yes, we should all be like Mike!

  12. What a great message, Rinda, for those who offer and those who accept ... Here's to being more like Mike!

  13. That's so super that Mike was able to jump in and try those things and great that you offered to teach him how to sketch faces.
