Friday, March 15, 2013

Let's Talk Iphone Photography

I'm taking Cheryl Johnson's iphone photography class, and it's really got me thinking about how to use my iphone camera.  I've traditionally just used it to capture a few snapshots when I travel (or to post on facebook), but in this class, I've been using it for something more like fine art photography.
In addition to taking instagram photos, I've discovered Snapseed, which is an app that offers a wide range of editing choices.
I've also learned to use the HDR function on my iphone:
and how to take panoramic pictures, too:
I've learned there are even  lenses you can buy for your iphone camera and tripods or tripod attachments!
The take-away of all this for me, so far, is that the iphone camera is a very good point and shoot camera, with lots of capabilities. I still haven't tried to print photographs taken on my iphone yet, but that's my next step. 
There's so much more to the iphone than I ever realized. What about you? How do you use your iphone? Do you treat it like a real camera?  Or simply something to snap photos for facebook or your blog?  Let's talk about it.
"Let's Talk" is a semi-regular series designed to inspire frank discussion and sharing of information on issues relating to photography, art and blogging. 


  1. The honest truth is....I hardly ever use my i-phone camera....and I really should!!
    These are some great shots,Rinda....I love the panoramic one.

  2. I never use my iphone camera - love my little point and shoot - so haven't got a clue about its potential but, like Jacky above, I should really. Your photos are inspiring - love them all. Elizabeth xx

  3. I am really getting into using mine, though it's very new to me. Such a lot of ueefulness in a small space! Love your wide angle photo ...

  4. These are some great shots. My phone is a blackberry - the camera isn't that great and none of the apps for iPhone work on the blackberry. :( I feel so left out!

  5. I love my iPhone camera and use it all the time. In fact, I'm seriously considering using it as my point-and-shoot choice for my upcoming trip. The quality of photos is so great - I'm continually surprised at how good it is!

    Cool class to take, Rinda. Glad you are getting a lot out of it. :o)

  6. This year I have really started to use it as my all the time camera. I use to carry another point and shoot in my purse at all times, but realized how silly that was. I've printed many times this year and the quality has always been great for 4x6. (I've never tried another size.) I use it for Squiggler and my class all the time.

  7. I don't have an iphone (if only!) but use my phone camera all the time. So much easier to travel with than my big camera.

  8. I read so much about I-phones and I don't have one. You are managing it amazingly these apps use much battery?

  9. Don't have an I phone so will just enjoy the pics from yours, the lavendar is cute and love the panoramic view of the field

  10. my iphone has all but taken over! i use it for everything. there are so many great apps to help process your photos. have fun! xo

  11. I have a droid and use the camera but not happy with the pics. I use my old digital camera which I can no longer get any memory or parts for since they don't make it any more. So I constantly have to download pics from this camera. Saving money for a new camera.

  12. I treat my iPhone camera like a real camera. I love some of the apps, particularly an HDR app that takes great photos. I do print my iPhone photos, and I don't think you'd see any difference between them and the ones from my very nice point and shoot. I've never tried to print anything larger than a 4X6 though. I just purchased the Photoshop app and hope to play around with it while I've vacationing in Oregon.

  13. I can't wait for my upgrade so I can try those panoramas. I love using my iphone camera and I did all the pictures for Photo365 with it last year. Photo apps are the best fun! I've just discovered that Radlab has been turned into an app, so that's next on my list

  14. I've got a Samsung galaxy and every time (really, every time, even if I charged it the night before) i get it out to use the camera there is not enough battery left. Sooo annoying

  15. I use mine if I haven't got any camera with me like today when I was out with Penny.

  16. I like the photo of the lavender. Since I don't have a iPhone I can't answer your questions - but I know that I love my big camera and it will always be my favorite among my cameras, despite its size and weight.

  17. I had no idea they lenses for iphones! I never would have guessed these were phone pictures- they look arty!

  18. this course sounds fascinating. I have an old iphone so i'm waiting for my upgrade later in the year. love the panoramic shot.

  19. I've wanted a lens for my iphone since before I got the phone :lol: In fact my discussion of cases with family when I bought the phone included 'but I have to be able to add a lens' but haven't bought one yet.

    I do use it as a proper camera, try out artsy shots - it doesn't do macro well. On either PRT or The Digi Show they talked about a bunch of different apps, I bought and started the Jessica Sprague/Heidi Swapp course on phone photography but need to get back. Did the first two assignments and then ran out of time.

  20. I would never have thought these were phone pictures. I've got a BB and really don't use the phone function a lot - like maybe 20 times in the whole time I've had BB's but I do use my iPad camera and am happy with those pictures but I'll always favour our point and shoot or our DSLR over it.
