Thursday, March 14, 2013

Iphone Self Portraits

I'm taking Cheryl Johnson's iphoneography class, and it's really got me using my iphone camera a lot more.  The first assignment was to take a self-portrait,which I think is perfect for an iphone camera class because I think the iphone has led to a HUGE INCREASE in the number of self-portraits that people take (even if most people aren't consciously thinking about the millions of photos they take of themselves and post to facebook as "self-portraits"). I submitted the self-portrait above for the assignment. It's me, in my office at work.  Being able to "reverse the lens" and see yourself while taking the picture really helps. I've also gotten better at having a more natural expression in self-portraits.  I also took these two self portraits on the same day (one in the car, one on the walk into work):
Sometimes I like to take more abstract self-portraits, like this one:
It's me, looking into my iphone, about to examine the photos on my "camera roll."  Yes, I have to look over my glasses to see things which are that small!  And, yes, I did just recently get my roots done. Ha!
Finally, I offer a totally silly self-portrait:
Because iphone cameras just seem to make people want to pull faces. Why is that, I wonder?


  1. Love 'em all!! I find myself taking more & more photo's with my phone these days....& less & less with my all singing, all dancing DSLR!!! But I'm just as happy with the quality of the photo's!! Sign of the times I guess! I envy the option to reverse lens though...can't do that on my HTC!! :D

  2. Good job! If find it so hard to have a natural expression when I'm doing a self portrait.

  3. Wonderful to see you in so many guises and facing the camera with such panache! You really suit that vivid green ...

  4. I love that first photo,Rinda.....I find it incredibly difficult to look natural in ANY photo.

  5. Love it! You look great and you know what a fan I am of self-portraits! :)

  6. Oh, Rinda, I love these photos! Your last one made me LOL. :o)

  7. I'm with Deb - the last one is a cracker!
    I find self portraits very difficult as they never seem to be how I want them to be.

  8. I love to see these portraits of you! The last one cracked me up. I don't own a iphone, so I can't take such funny and great pictures.

  9. Oh my gosh! You made me laugh so LOUD. Love the last photo.

  10. Brilliant Rinda and it's good to know I am not the only one who will take and use silly self portraits.

  11. great photos, made me wish I had an iphone!

  12. Oh, that wonderful warm smile :)

    I thought so hard about taking this class, but I didn't get my phone upgrade in time and I didn't want to do it with my old one :( I hope she runs it again..or maybe I need to wait for your review before I decide!

  13. These are wonderful photos! I can't get the angle right on my Droid phone for self shots. I always seem to be looking up or down, never straight on.

  14. Great iphone photographs. You really captured your natural personality. Andy

  15. These are great photos Rinda, but the silly one is definitely my favorite!

  16. Great photos....I would love an IPhone...I keep hinting to Craig-maybe he'll get the message soon
    Alison xx

  17. What fun! Love your silly face the most!
