Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello Monday

{Hello Monday} . . . a meme started by Lisa Leonard
Hello Baseball . . . Henry's baseball team is finishing their preseason schedule, and they start their league games this week.  He's been fielding really well, but he's still waiting for his bat to get hot. Because of my teaching schedule, I haven't been able to see very many games. So I really appreciate it when I can get out to diamond.
Hello Recommitment . . . Now that Clara and I have been working with Team in Training for about six weeks, we're being asked to fully commit to finish our training for the Rock-n-Roll Half-Marathon and to raise $5,000. We have both enthusiastically said, "Yes, we're in!"  On Saturday, we ran seven miles. Seven! And I felt pretty good. Next Saturday, we will run ten miles. Ten! We have also raised over $3,000 so far!  If you want to learn more and join us in our journey, click on this link
Hello Work, Work and More Work . . . There's a lot going on at the office right now, and I'm teaching a lot. So, it's been keeping me away from creating and my blog.
Hello Google Reader alternatives . . . I follow all my favorite blogs on google reader, so I'm exploring alternatives. But for now, I'm going to watch and wait.
Hello more photography and some actual scrapbook pages this week . . . and "a moment in time," as well. All on my blog.
What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. Oh I know, the Google Reader thing really has me stumped, I'm not sure what to do!

    Great news on the fund raising - you must be noticing increased fitness now too!

  2. WTG, 7 miles is super! I'm confused about what to do about google reader. I'm trying out Bloglovin' right now but it doesn't do all that I want it to do, that I've been able to find out. Might try theoldreader too. I want something that I can organize into folders so that if I don't have much time I can at least hit my favourite ones.

  3. Well done at the training runs!...I'm saying hello to an exciting trip at the weekend!
    Alison xx

  4. I love that comment about getting the bat hot! It chimed here because I spent an hour in the sports shop on Saturday watching new cricket bats being tried out

  5. Wow, you are one busy lady. I too am stumped about replacing Google reader - sitting back and waiting too I suppose. Hopefully somebody we know will figure it out soon, and then we can tag along for the ride. I just don't have to time to worry about it yet.

    PS I filed back through your last few posts and your phone photos are wonderful. Glad you find time to snap those pics and share with us.

  6. Your training is going so well....congratulations to both of you!!
    I'm not sure what to do about Reader either...I'm thinking of trying Bloglovin as a few bloggers are recommending it....but still just 'waiting' at the moment.

  7. Well done with your training and thanks for the card - cheered me on a trying day :-). Ben completed a half marathon yesterday raising money for Prostate Cancer UK as my Dad is (thankfully) in remission from it at the moment. Very proud of him! Hope you get time to see more of Henry playing x

  8. Well Done with your training are both such an inspiration and glad its going well.

    Know what you mean about Google Reader :-( I have just switched to far so good and I do like that I see the actual blog rather than having to click thru like with Google.

  9. sounds like you are one busy lady. Well done with your training.

  10. Your training is so impressive! I'm just relaxing and enjoying my family this week and next. If I blog, good. If not, oh, well. I'm doing a lot of reading about our trip in May as well, and enjoying taking photos, cooking, and hanging out!

  11. Wow, SEVEN miles - way to go!!!! I'm thinking about what I'll do now, too, with Google Reader's demise. Such a bummer.

  12. It's Wednesday here and I'm still catching up. You go girl!

  13. I've switched over to feedly, which was incredibly easy. But I'm not 100% sold on it yet. Congrats on doing 7 miles!
