Monday, March 18, 2013

A Simple Moment in March

March 15, 11:30 p.m.
It's Friday night, and the house is very quiet. Henry and Clara are both spending the night at friends' houses.  Paul turned in a while ago, and I can hear him gently snoring down stairs.  Aria has made herself comfortable here on the couch with me. She misses her "mom" when Clara is gone.  Later on, she'll nose Clara's bedroom door open, peeking inside, looking for her, before settling down to sleep in our room. I spy J.J. curled up on her cat perch across the room, and I wonder where Gypsy has fallen asleep.  I know she is not far away.  All three will follow me down stairs in a minute. For now, I turn off the television and sink into the soft cushions, pausing to think about the quiet of the house.  In a few years, with a little luck, both the kids will be away at college. Moments like this will become commonplace.  I push that thought away and resolve to stop complaining about how busy the kids keep me.  I am not yet ready for an empty nest.
Simply a Moment is a monthly writing meme developed by Alexa of Trimming the Sails. To read other moments or to join in, click on this link.  


  1. What a lovely peaceful moment and I love the photo of Aria.

  2. Karen, I was thinking the same thing ... that, and yes, it's busy now, but enjoy the hsutle and bustle!

  3. the dog is in the house and taking over, well after a nap anyway. So cute

  4. A peaceful gentle moment - I remind myself to enjoy the moments with the kids too, one day it will be just Wookie & me and that will be o.k. too but for now I'm grateful for having them here.

  5. that was lovely and seems so familiar, enjoying the quiet but really not ready for the children to be gone xxx

  6. Empty nest is hard at first so enjoying the children around while you can is a good idea

  7. Stop! Stop! But only because I'm thinking the same thing myself..

  8. Lovely peaceful moment - I always love to see pictures of your dogs! Love the B&W. My kids have come back Rinda! DS went away to uni but is now back home and working I am glad to say. DD is working and living at home too:) it is nice having them here under our roof, but they have their own lives and I don't have to do much for them now.

  9. I already have one grown and out on her own. If all goes well, in September the other two will both be away at college (Becca stayed home at went to community college this year). That moment is in the very near future for me!

  10. Beautiful serene moment to capture, Rinda, and you're right - those busy days will be gone quickly, enjoy!

  11. Such a peaceful moment,Rinda....worth enjoying....even if you're not ready for the 'empty nest' yet.
    A gorgeous photo.

  12. Such a nice and peaceful moment. Enjoy it while you can because with two teens those moments are few and far between. Love the photo.

  13. Boo is the same when Kirsty's not here...she noses into her room at every opportunity just to check she's not there!
    Alison xx

  14. OMG!! Do NOT even go there... i will be lost when Angelina goes off to college ...

  15. It's funny how we yearn for our time without children but don't want them to go. A lovely moment Rinda x

  16. I don't even want to think that far ahead. It's funny how they can frustrate you like mad but you miss them the minute they go.

  17. That's a great looking picture of Aria. It reminds me so much of our dog and the places he'd find to lie down.

  18. Such a peaceful photo which echoes something of your own tranquility against your cushions too. Yes, the empty nest sounds attractive sometimes (and is) but having family around is just lovely! Thank- you for joining in, and linking up again this month :).

  19. A beautifully captured moment - I can almost hear the snores ... oh wait - that's because Hubby has fallen asleep on the sofa ;-)

    I'm not ready for an empty nest yet either ... we'll rattle around without the kids!

  20. Love the photo - a lovely peaceful, gentle moment. Thanks for sharing. J x
