Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #11 Out Back

Two pictures taken, in instagram, standing in my back yard.  One looking up at the back of the house.  One looking down at some mushrooms.  I see interesting contrasts in shape and nice symmetry in scale.  What do you see?
"Look up//Look down," a weekly photography exercise is the brain child of Helena.


  1. Hi Rinda, I love the bright colour of your home
    I see the contrast between man made sharp corners and natures curves

  2. Love the mushroom picture. I'm seeing the sharp contrast of the roundness of the mushrooms against all the straight lines.

  3. love the sharp, strong colours and the fact that each has a larger shape constructed from several smaller shapes - sure there is a compact word for that!

  4. Your house looks amazing,Rinda....such wonderful colours.

  5. Great photos - what a contrast in colors between these two.

  6. I too love the colours and clean lines of the house. I like the contrast between man made and nature.

  7. I see beautiful colours, the red against that sky is amazing.

  8. I see those gorgeous contrasting colours. That's a great picture

  9. A red house!...how gorgeous. I love the colours of the funghi...subtle and highlights the different textures.

  10. I see great colors and shapes on both photos. I do like to drive around neighborhoods to see painted houses. If we lived nearby I would probably drive by your house several times to admire it.

  11. Love the earthy tones of the mushroom pic...AND the co;our of your house!
    Alison xx

  12. very interesting, such sharp precise shapes on the look up, and organic on the look down. I still have to try this "exercise"!

  13. Such clarity of colour and shape and texture - great shots! Our sky was grey all day :-(

  14. The contrast of colour, shape and shadow in the shot of your house is really fantastic!

  15. That shot of your house is wonderful. I love the colours against that beautiful blue sky.

  16. I have seen a couple of blogs doing this même and I always like the photos... tells me I should try to play along!
    Oh and I need your address!
