Friday, September 28, 2012

I should remember to do this more often . . .

The other day I had a free morning to myself, alone at home, and I decided to create. I thought about sketching or working on a painting, but in the end, I pulled out my art diaries/art journals. I laid down some backgrounds and added some images.
And then I journaled about the various things on my mind. The top is about the challenges of parenting and the second one reads "a woman's work is never done."  
I'd forgotten how much I enjoy working in these journals and how therapeutic it can be.  As much as I've enjoyed developing my painting, drawing and sketching skills this year, and as much as I love photography, I should remember to do this more often.
This lesson was inspired by Shimelle's prompt to remember "something you shouldn't forget." Is there something you need to remind yourself about this weekend?


  1. Looks like you had a great morning creating. :)

  2. That's a lovely work Rinda and with beautiful colors !

  3. I am really not a journaling sort of gal- or shall I say I have never tried it. But I do love seeing this and all sorts of journals. Have fun, and happy PPF.

  4. Both are beautiful and so glad therapeutic for you!

  5. Enjoyed seeing your arty journal. It's good sometimes to get your thoughts written down.
    I need to remind myself to have a bit more Me time...
    Hope all well, and have a great weekend.

  6. Love love love the blue colour and the hearts on the 'ode' page. I have tried art journaling a couple of times but I always end up think I'd rather be scrapbooking!

    I'm having a lovely day today, and I think I'm feeling happy because I tidied and cleaned the whole house yesterday, so I feel uncluttered and unpressured today. I need to remember that as much as I hate housework, it does make me feel good afterwards! x

  7. Hi Rinda,
    I love the journal pages that you have posted, their colours are fantastic. In response to your question; I think that I should not forget to take time for a walk with my camera. Thank you for reminding me! Great Post Andy

  8. you have an amazing way with collage and words! each piece here has such a thoughtful and intriguing focus. i just love these!

  9. Both journals are great and true. I need to remember to stay focused on what I am doing.

  10. You've got me thinking now..staying focussed might have to do it for me too I think!

    Oh, yes..pages like these are always worth doing, they have turned out perfectly

  11. I really like both of these, and great to hear you've been having a bit of time to yourself... I need to remind myself just to begin.

  12. I'm so glad you found time to create in this way that is therapeutic for you, especially after these past few months of challenges!

  13. Lovely pages, and something I want to try. Like Alexa, I think my biggest thing is to remember to just get started on a project.

  14. These are really beautiful Rinda! You are extremely talented!I agree that parenting is hard work! You think as they get older it would be easier, but each age just has it's own challenges.

  15. I love to see your art work Rinda. I have no idea where to begin though. I suppose that answers your question. I must remind myself to 'Just start a page'

  16. wonderful and inspiring
    thank you dear Rinda

  17. Love to see what others journal. It is fun and relaxing to me. Great job of both. HPPF
