Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {2}

For other beautiful photographs, check out Wordless Wednesday at Create with Joy.


  1. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely comments. I'm glad you like my photographs so far and I would be delighted if any were featured here,

    Liz x

  2. The fence theme seems to have caught you as well. Very beautiful picture, I like the gray skies with the pitch of blue.

  3. Great photo composition. I've never seen a barbed wire fence in person. I certainly wouldn't want to hop over or crawl under it. It looks lethal!

  4. super photo, and I'm sure it's somewhere close to home? I really like fence photos.

  5. Love how you did the fence line at an angle!

  6. love this picture Rinda, it reminds me of the prairies where I grew up :) You don't see too many barbed wired fences anymore.

  7. Very evocative - made me think of the Quaker anti torture garden that just won a gold medal. I like that there is sky and fields behind tho'.
