Sunday, July 22, 2012

Street Photography: Someone Playing with a Ball

While taking a Sunday morning photo-walk in Barcelona, I was able to find item #14 for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: someone playing with a ball. I planned to stop by a plaza to photograph a statue, when I noticed this group of men out of the corner of my eye:
I wandered over and watched them play bocce ball for a while.
I was a little shy at first about taking their picture, but I started far away and then crept closer. Eventually, I got reasonably close and sat on a nearby fence. I do find it easier to do "street photography" when I'm traveling than when I'm at home. But it's still something that's a little hard for me. I think it's what makes some of the scavenger hunt items harder than others. What about you? Do you find it difficult to do "street photography"? Is the scavenger hunt helping you overcome that?


  1. You see the older men playing this game a lot in Spain as well.
    I generally find street photography very difficult in the UK....there's definately a culture now of it being frowned on to take photos of strangers...though that didn't apply you'll see in my post tomorrow!!

  2. Street photography is one of my favorite things to do. Usually, I ask first before taking a photo of people. Other things, such as streams, gardens, etc. I just snap away. If the home owner comes out I always tell them I took a photo and ask if they'd like a copy. Many times they say yes and then I jot down their names and addresses and a description of what I took. I've met many nice people that way.

  3. Yep, it is definitely an awkward thing for me and it's not always the appropriate thing to do. I had a lot of trouble with the angel prompt due to that reason.

  4. I often find it awkward and try to take photos that tell the story but do not include faces - unless the people are performers.

    One tip I got from an avid stree photographer was to sit down and be very obvious with the camera and that you are pointing it at the crowd so anyone who really does not want to be captured will move away

  5. Wonderful photographs Rinda. It is such a familiar sight in France and Spain to see groups of men like these at play. Reminds one to take life at a more leisurely pace.
    Street photography can be difficult here in the UK. People often shy away from the camera. The Hunt has made me realise that I very rarely take an outside photograph unless it's of an object or when my family are involved. Perhaps I will try to rectify this.

  6. So interesting that we both found bocce ball photos for this item. I, too, feel pretty self-conscious about street photography. But, for me, it's no better traveling. I took a darling photo of some girls on a bench in Vancouver, but because I didn't ask for permission, I won't "publish" it on my blog. People tell me that if you ask for permission, it will almost always be graciously granted. But still, I hesitate.

  7. "Street" photography makes me feel very self conscious even being the one behind the camera. I often see shots I would love to take but don't because of the subjects. I don't know that the hunt is making it easier, there have been a few I haven't gotten because of my timidness. Love the pics in this post.

  8. I only ask for permission to post pics on my blog if it is of a child. If these men did not want their picture taken they would have let you know. These are very good pictures. I like to see seniors enjoying themselves.

  9. I don't usually post pictures of anyone I don't know and I always like to ask permission from friends. The way I see it, I wouldn't like someone I didn't know posting my picture - I don't mind them taking my photo, I just don't want to star on anyone's blog if I don't know them - so I try to practise what I preach. I'm actually quite a private person! But I know lots of people don't mind - especially those from the Facebook generation!

  10. I am getting better at it, but still feel awkward with Street the pics!
    Alison xx

  11. I am getting better at it, but still feel awkward with Street the pics!
    Alison xx

  12. Street photos are awkward for me, which is why I have a nice zoom. I can get good shots without getting in people's way

  13. It is still really hard for me to do. Usually the only time you'll see people in my outdoor shots is when I'm taking a picture of something else and they just happen to be in there.

  14. We've just returned from a short trip & I did some street photos for a few of the scavenger hunt items (hoping to post some of them soon!). I found it easier to take these photographs because we were in tourist-y places so it wasn't so unusual for someone to be snapping photos. I do think the scavenger hunt has helped me take more photos that I wouldn't have before.

  15. I take lots of street shots - often tho I take people more surreptitously, especially if there are children involved.
