Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thank You!

Thank you all so much for your outpouring of support and love yesterday. It really helps. We're are hopeful that Paul will be coming home from the hospital today or tomorrow. I will keep you updated on his progress. In the meantime, it's back to regularly scheduled programming, like visiting and commenting on your blogs, hosting the photo scavenger hunt, painting, sketching and mixed media.  Thank you again; you will never know how much I appreciated (and how many times I re-read) each and every comment.


  1. Rinda I have only just read your blog and I want to let you know that you are now in my prayers. May God sustain you all through this
    With Love and prayers for you all

  2. Hmm . . . looks like an outdoor stairway photo found its way into your post - must be subconscious scavenger hunting as y'all walk through this time! Praying Paul will be home soon.

  3. After all you give to us it is only right that we reciprocate by giving you support and hugs when you are in need.

  4. I am so glad to hear that Paul will be home soon - such great news!

    36 comments on your last post? AWESOME!!! Blog friends are the best in times of need. ♥

  5. Hi Rinda. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You gave me inspiration to write about the books I've read so far this year. Hope your Paul is doing a lot better and that you dear lady are hanging in there. Take care. Love that photo and would definitely love to take a walk there.

  6. So glad to hear Paul should be coming home.....wonderful news.

  7. Hoping ya'll get to spend time quietly at home together once he's back - recovering from the time of travel, tumult and trying times...

    I'll be thinking of you.

  8. We're all sending him a welcome home wave from right across the sea xx

  9. Happy homecoming to Paul and thank you for having the time to keep us up to date with the news.
    Thinking of you all. x

  10. WOWSER woman. I go away for a few days of visiting with in town guests and look what happens! Just read through your posts and I am so thankful for all the support you and Paul had when all this came down the pipes. Lots and lots of white light, prayers, and healing thoughts headed to surround all of you!

  11. Wow! I am just getting caught up here. I'm glad Paul is doing better & will be home soon. You all are in my prayers.

  12. So glad he'll be coming home soon. That's great news :o) It is a wonderful feeling to have that support from all around the world xx

  13. Just catching up with my email and read about your situation. I am glad to hear your husband is recovering nicely. If there is a way I can help you with the scavenger hunt please let me know. Thoughts and prayers for you and the family.

  14. {{{Rinda}}} I am catching up on my blog reading and that occurs from newest to oldest but have gone back and read Friday's post. How very scary to be in a foreign country with a medical crisis. Sometimes medical talk in our native language is baffling enough. Thankful that Paul and you received excellent care and support in Spain. Thank you for sharing with us, I know it is difficult sometimes to decide what we should and shouldn't share on our blogs but by sharing you have opened up a world of prayer and support for the four of you.....oh, and I agree lime green is a very cool support color ;)

  15. Glad to hear Paul is coming home! I can imagine that having him home will do everyone a world of good!
    Good luck being the home healthcare professional Rinda!
