Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello Monday {1}

Hello Monday! {a meme sponsored by Lisa Leonard}
Hello trains (item #5 in the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt) and hundreds of other photos to edit from our vacation.
Hello husband home from the hospital and feeling pretty good.
Hello new responsibilities asked of the children to help out around the house (and being pleased with how Clara is stepping up and a bit disappointed in Henry's self-centeredness).
Hello Gypsy dog - I missed you while we were gone. I'd forgotten how you are my shadow.
Hello laundry - does it take longer to wash or to fold?
Hello flushing Paul's picc line every day. I was so not meant to be a medical professional.
Hello flowers, cards and food given by family and friends to help us out. Much appreciated.
Hello gym. Time to get back into the routine.
Hello Junior Guards and cross-country training for the girl.
Hello soccer, soccer and more soccer for the boy.
Hello learning Mr. Linky to get ready for the mid-summer link-up (August 4) for the Photo Scavenger Hunt (have you started working on your post yet?)


  1. Hello to a new week with your friends behind you x

  2. Wow. I go for a week and come back to find your husband has been in the hospital!?! I'm glad to hear he is home and doing well. Yeah. flushing pic lines is not the most appealing thing to do. When I had to do that for My Mann I just kept thinking at least he's alive and I get to do this for him, but I was also glad when his home care nurse came and took care if it on her visit. :)

  3. Welcome home to your husband. You must be very happy. Don't worry about Henry's reluctance to chip in on chores. After he thinks about it a bit, he'll do it but will probably make sure you are aware of his doing it, too!

  4. Welcome home to Paul...that's a great start to the week!!
    I wonder if Henry's 'self centredness' may be his way of coping and trying to pretend nothing has changed.

  5. So glad you have your husband home with you and that your daughter is stepping up to new responsibilities. Hoping your son follows suit xx

  6. i caught up on your life 2 days ago and I am so happy to hear Paul is home. Many good prayers to min for his recovery.
    On a side note-I think it takes longer to fold

  7. Hello to many new things you can do that you never thought you could!

  8. hello to you. i am a new follower this monday. :-)

  9. great news that Paul is home -

  10. Welcome home to Paul! So glad to hear that he is well enough to be discharged! And kudos to Clara for stepping up!

  11. It must be a relief to have Paul at home. I'm totally with you on the health care responsibilities. I would never have been able to be a nurse! Glad Paul is home, and hope he continues to improve each day.

  12. Nursing is not my forte either Rinda, but I'm sure having Paul home makes it worth while...isn't it funny how our children can surprise us, but I'm sure it's a coping mechanism for Henry
    Alison xx

  13. Hello to a family reunited - sending healing thoughts ♥♥

  14. So glad to hear Paul is home. Looks like many new things on your plate this week.

  15. So glad that Paul is home now!!

    This Monday I said Hello in Taos, New Mexico! We just returned home & I'm working on laundry, laundry, laundry today, too! :<( And trying to process the 180+ photos because I decided to leave the computer at home for a change!

  16. I am just catching up on some blog reading and read about your husband. You certainly had an eventful time away. I am pleased Paul is back home and hope he will improve day by day.

  17. Planning my link up/blog post, a busy week ahead so have to do it in bits. Fun train shots, glad to hear that Paul is home and feeling better. Helping out around the house is a tricky idea for teenagers...
