Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A blog badge request (granted!) . . .

Would anyone be willing to make a blog button for me of the photo that I've been using for the photo scavenger hunt? I'd like to have text added that says 2012 Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt and then be able to post it on my blog for people to copy and use. If you already know how to do this, so that it wouldn't take you much time, could you contact me at I'll give you a free beer (or at least free wi-fi and great beer)! LOL - the sign is from outside the bistro where we had dinner last night. Thanks!
Edited to add: Thanks for the link Helena. I think I got it to work! Would someone check it out and let me know if you were able to grab the badge?
Edited again to add: I made the badge smaller because it was too big.  Thanks for the heads up Amy!
 Thanks all!


  1. Rinda, if you google how to make a blog button, you could probably do it yourself! It would be easier for you to directly put the code into your blog ... I'm not sure how to copy and paste it to you correctly otherwise ... plus, you know your blog dimensions etc.

  2. Rinda I have used the instructions here and it worked

    Hard to do for someone else because of the need to psot the photo as part of the link process

  3. I clicked on the image on your page and it relinked ... so all is good. I am not good at technical stuff either - in fact, you have done this really quickly. When I made a blog button once it took me hours, literally! Well done!
    I am not sure about your question .. obviously not the right person to ask!

  4. It works....and is now on my blog.....brilliant!!!

  5. I've grabbed your button too. What a great pub sign - very enticing LOL!

  6. I wouldn't have a clue how to make one of these, but it's on my blog now!

  7. Got your button, and I've printed the list to carry in my handbag. I'm looking forward to this.
