Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2012 Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt

Summer's here, and it's time to announce the list of items for the Second Annual Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!  Today is the first day of summer, and you have until the last day of summer (September 21) to find and photograph each of the following 21 items:
1. A pier
2. A clothesline
3. A border
4. A roadside stand selling something
5. A train
6. A historical landmark
7. A person playing a musical instrument
8. A person dressed as an angel or a statue of an angel
9. A fountain
10. A horse
11. A shadow
12. A maze, labyrinth, or trail.
13. A library
14. A person playing with a ball.
15. Someone dancing.
16. A bride.
17. A church, chapel, cathedral, mosque or temple.
18. A movie poster
19. An outdoor stairway
20. A swing hanging from a tree (or a hammock)
21.  A picture of you standing with something that symbolizes your nation.
Substitute Item (new this year):  If you find any of the above too hard, you may substitute a photograph of either a heart-shaped stone or a four leaf clover for one item; however, you may not substitute this item for #21. 
Participants are encouraged to periodically post their finds on their blog, but you don't need a blog to participate.  On September 21, I will survey the participants and choose a winner, based on the number of items found.  If more than one person finds all the items, a random draw will determine the winner.  I will also draw a random winner from all the participants.  Winners will receive a photography-related prize (either a photography book or entrance into an online photography class).  
Let me know in the comments if you plan to participate or if you have any questions!  Remember the idea is not to search your photo files and find these items, but rather to take the photos between now and the end of summer. Also, let me know if there's something that's impossible for you (do people not hang clothes in the winter in the southern hemisphere, for instance), and I'll see what I can do to accommodate you. It's all about having fun and enjoying the hunt.


  1. No, no, some days are clothesline worthy down here, even during winter. I think most of these are doable, regardless of the season - a great list Rinda!

  2. I have been waiting for this - I'm in x

  3. I'm definately in....looking forward to it.

  4. fabulous list again - nice balance of 'keep your eyes open' and 'I know where I can find that'

  5. YAY!...as Helena says, some are very obvious , but others I will definately have to be on the look out for...thanks Rinda
    Alison xx

  6. Ooh I've been looking out for this list. I saw Mel and Sian's fabulous photos last year and thought I would join in next time :o)

  7. I went to Google Reader even before I checked my email this morning to see if the list was up. :-) I'm definitely in, and excited to see the bride on the list as my niece is getting married in two weeks! I loved this last summer and had everyone we traveled with looking for the items on the list.

  8. I'm in! Just need to copy the list into my holiday notebook now

  9. I didn't play last year and felt very left out - so this year, DEFINITELY - count me IN! The list looks great. A few I know I will have to really hunt for - no weddings in my summer, so I'll have to sneak a photo when I see one somewhere...

  10. Well, I attempted last year, but with a new baby in the household it didn't really work out! I shall certainly give it another go this year! x

  11. Hooray for the summer scavenger photo list!!! It's a fun list, Rinda, and I can't wait to get started. Thanks so much for sponsoring this again. :o)

  12. I'm going to join this year. Sounds fun!

  13. I'm in! I find it funny the hardest for me may be finding a bride.....can't believe we don't have a wedding to attend this summer (secret...next summer the Beast and SweetGirl will be marrying, he's asking her dad this weekend!!!)

  14. YAY - that's a great looking list - lots to think about - thanks Rinda x

  15. count me in, too! i have a vacation planned next month with one of my friends - a road trip through the upper mid-west. i will bring this list and see if we can check some items off!

  16. Oh excellent. I didn't get round to doing this last year, bI'm definitely in this time. My family did a similar thing amongst ourselves recently which I set (see here: http://handmadebykirsty.blogspot.com/2012/05/photo-scavenge-hunt.html) would it be OK if someof them wanted to take part too?

  17. I'm in too - watched everyone last year and spotted pirates all over so want to have a go this year. My washing is hanging out now but may want to be a bit more creative :0)

  18. where do you come up with this stuff, Rinda?? i'll play along but i'm doubtful that ill find many of them because i've already seen a bride this summer and kids playing with a ball and and outdoor stairway and a pier ... you need to start this the last day of school or something, hahahaha


  19. I am going to try this! Two photo scavenger hunts this summer will keep me busy!
    I have two weddings to attend, unfortunately after the deadline! I will have to stalk some churches on Saturdays for the bride photo...

  20. would love to join in this year

  21. Oh this sounds like fun - I am up for it!

  22. I saw Sian and Mel's collections last year and thought is was a wonderful idea. I just showed Mr M and he said print off the list and remember it when we go out, so I think you can safely say that we are in!!

  23. Fab list Rinda thank you. I took part last year but I didn't actually blog about it. I hope to join in properly this year look forward to seeing how we all get on xxx

  24. I'm in and already brainstorming ideas. Thanks for the fun challenge.

  25. Great list. I'm thinking I might have to sub out 'person playing a musical instrument.
    Unless I give all the kids penny whistles at out July 4 party & I'm not too sure that would go over well with their parents...

  26. This looks like a great idea, and I can see opportunities for many of the items on the list already and think the others will be a fun challenge. What do we do with the photos when we have taken them, you mentioned we could blog them as we went along, do we need to do a post with all 21 photos in as you also mentioned surveying the participants?

  27. This sounds so much fun! I am going on holiday to America so hopefully will have lots of photo oppertunities then! Excited! Do we need to do a post at the end of the summer with then all on? Xxx

  28. I think this is a great list Rinda!! I plan to be more organized this year (ie - have the list with me at all times!)

  29. Count me in. Summer scavenger hunt will be lots of fun.

  30. I'm going to have a go! It'll certainly make the summer more interesting, and I know my other half will love it - I might get him to do it separately and turn it into a bit of a competition!

  31. That is one inspiring list!! I remember admiring Sian & Jacky's pics from last summer so would love to join in this time! Does there need to be one blogpost to showcase all the photo's for you to see? :D

  32. Yaaay.....the Scavenger Hunt blog button works....brilliant!!

  33. Hi Rinda.. I reckon I'll give it a go, It all looks pretty achievable from my point of view.

  34. Hi, Rinda. Missed doing this last year so I'm going to give it a try this year. Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for doing it again.

  35. I've just printed the list and we're planning a long drive this weekend hoping to capture a few of these items!

  36. Yaah! I'm in. This is probably about all I will manage to do over the summer and really looking forward to it.

  37. I was really sorry to missed this last year, so count me in!! I love a challenge and some fun, so this is something I will really enjoy. Thanks Rinda.

  38. I remember seeing the various photos last summer and thought it looked inspirational! Looking forward to having a go and have copied the list into my inspiration notebook :)

  39. I'm in too, but what is a border?

  40. this will be my first year at this but me and biker boy and miss boo are in :)

  41. I would like to give it a try too -I will also enroll the help of my kids as I think this makes for a really fun summer activity! Off to print the list and stick it in my purse :)

  42. I am in on this one!!!! What a blast of an idea!!!!

  43. Definitely in this year - missed it last year. Looking forward to getting started.

  44. May I join in the fun? I read about the Hunt on Sian and Alison's blogs and thought was a splendid idea. I have posted today if you want to go and visit.
    Can I also mention how lovely your blog posts have been about your european trip? There is always a new perspective when someone/somewhere is seen through another's eyes. Thank you, Irene

  45. sounds like great fun! may I join in too:). Off to post my intentions on my blog!!

  46. Rinda, I've got a question re #20 Does the hammock have to be strung from trees?

  47. Hi Gail -
    The hammock does not have to be strung from a tree. Since there are folks in the southern hemisphere participating and it's winter, I thought that would be too hard.
    By the way, do you have a blog? I couldn't find it but would definitely follow you if you do.

  48. Thanks Rinda. It's on typepad and somehow doesn't show up on comments on blogger blogs. It's http://scrappyknitter.typepad.com/odds_and_ends/

  49. I'm in! I don't want to miss out on the fun.

  50. This sounds like a wonderful summer activity, and I'm accepting your challenge!!! I've never done anything like it and will get me out more and it will give me a bonafide reason to get back to blogging again! Thanks for a fun and challenge!

  51. What an awesome idea. I have found this after you have started but think I may just play along on my own on my blog, haven't been back through your posts to find the start of the trend.
    And yes we do hang washing outside in winter down under here in New Zealand, we get beautiful days and I love washing on the line.

  52. Am going to have great difficulty with #1 A pier as we do not have any in New Zealand. And I know we are not planning on heading out of the country in the next 3 months! Any suggestions for that? A hammock I can manage or at least a tree swing, even though it is winter!!

  53. Oooh would love to have a go at this. Will do me bestest!
    Burnice x

  54. I've followed your "Photo Scavenger Hunt" on other blogs and was always quite tempted to take part ... so this year I'll give it a try during summer!! :)

    Count me in!! :D

  55. I didn't play last time - but am definitely IN this time - there are a couple of tricky ones in there, but will do my best x

  56. Hi Rinda. I found you through Sian and have jumped on board this year. I've blogged my first group of photos here : http://notesonpaper.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/scavengerhunt1.html 7 down ... 14 to go ...

    Julie :-)

  57. I just found your blog and the challenge. I'm going to play!

  58. I am definitely playing this time. I already have a few pictures from the list. I'll post them to my much neglected blog soon. Thanks for hosting!

  59. Off on by holibobs soon - wonder if I could challenge myself to get them all!!

  60. What a fantastic idea ! Count me in ! xx

  61. I'm definately going to join in- hopefully taking a lot of photo when we go away.

    We did a small photo scavenger hunt last year and it was fun.

  62. This looks geat, not sure if I will manage this as I am doing the 365+ 1 photo blog challenge butI want to give it a go as it is a long time from now til Sept

  63. I may have to try this. It could just be the incentive I need to actually start a blog!

  64. I didnt get very far last time, but am in again this year. I already have some ideas for a few.

  65. I have just found you, looks like great fun - I will be joining in

  66. I am definitely in. Sounds like a fun way to enjoy the summer. I was camping last week with family and found the neatest rock, and it is shaped like a heart. Must be a sign. All I have to do is figure out how to upload my pic's to the right page. Fun times are here.

  67. Hi Rinda, I need something to get me back to my blog & camera, I loved this challenge last year so count me in please. x

  68. Hi, Its been great fun so far. Finding some quite easily, others when I dont expect to but not sure if I will find them all.

  69. I've just come across this while blog-hopping. Looks interesting and I'd love to give it a go.

  70. Hi there, hope I'm not too late to join in the fun. I just found you! So from now on my camera will be going everywhere with me! I do have my first one in the bag though and will be blogging my pic tomorrow.

    Liz x

  71. Hello, me again! I've just posted my first three 'finds' here -

  72. I've taken my first two photos and posted them at http://amandas-scrapbook-pages.blogspot.co.uk/p/photography.html

    I'll update the page over the summer as I take a few more.

  73. I am going to join in but but I must warn you I usually fail miserably at challenges even tho the good intent is there..haha

    Kirsti xxx

  74. My husband and I are going to join in - this sounds like a good excuse to get him out and about with his camera.

  75. Rinda, can you belive it, I just found this post!!! It sounds so intriguing - I know I won;t find all of these, but there are a few I can do. I will and join your hunt - it sounds like a lot of fun!

    I was really "out" at the beginning of summer, thanks to the move.

  76. This looks fun! Just discovered it via a friend's blog. I think my daughter will like it too (13 and very into her camera!) I'm off to see if I can post my first picture...

  77. I'm joining in with your Photo scavenger hunt. Not sure I will find them all by the end of September but going to give it my best try. x

  78. I've just found this through a couple of friends blogs and it looks fun! Count me in!

  79. it should be good fun finding the photos, I would like to join in.not sure if I will get them all,but fun trying...

  80. Rinda....over the past week or so I have seen so many blog posts and brilliant photos linked back to you.... that i've been seeing all sorts of photos/objects I could have taken if i'd joined in.

    I've already taken some this weekend that i know you had in your list!! would it be okay to join in now.....or am i too late? xx Louise xx

  81. Hi Rinda! I have just discovered your fab challenge via Kirsti's blog, and am up for it!!!!
    Geraldine at sky-blu-pink.blogspot.com

  82. Hi There. I found your blog through my online friend, Karen, and have been playing along. I found my last item (the clothesline) today. I don't have a blog, so I have posted them in a shutterfly album, hope that works for you. Thanks so much for this fun idea! I had a blast checking items off my list. :)

    Here is the link to my photos:


  83. great idea for a summer challenge, here is my first blog post with two photos found off the list.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Sorry for mucking things up. finding it easy to put in an album on facebook. Hope that is all right.
    album - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.351382044940297.54220031.326299914115177&type=1

    If that does not work it is an album on my photography page https://www.facebook.com/4SarahLouise (I am an amateur and not a professional :))

  86. Hello I am very excited after visiting Jo Murray's blog to also join in your fun Scavenger Hunt

    I have just a couple of photos to get started and will post those on Thursday....

    Thank you for this opportunity to play along Rinda.

    oxo ~*~ Patty in Virginia, USA

  87. Hello Rinda!
    I've only just come across this scavenger hunt whilst looking through participants blog on LSNED. I'm going to have a go at participating and getting as many as I can in just 20 days!!

    So sorry I didn't find out about this before!
    My blog is www.cupcakesandcardstock.blogspot.co.uk

  88. Another who has only just learned of this - bit I will be doing my nest to retrospectively join in and use any photos I have taken over the summer to meet the challenge!
    my blog is www.mafswife.typepad.com

  89. Hi Rinda
    THANKYOU so much for encouraging me to get out my camera and use it for fun. I work as a professional photographer and only usually get my "big" camera out for clients. I usually do all our family snaps on my phone and or point and shoot camera like everyone else. However last weekend I took out the BIG camera for photos for the hunt, I had such fun and got super portraits of my son, daughter and husband that I'd be happy to buy off myself! I have posted the first images on my blog and will seek to upload the rest before 21 Sept. So grateful to have been kick started to do some photos for me. xxxx
