Thursday, June 21, 2012

PPF: A Peek Inside My Vacation Sketchbook

Just a few watercolor sketches to share today.  Clockwise from upper left, Euro 2012 logo (we've seen almost every game this trip); Museum Building, Trinity University, Dublin, Ireland; a typical breakfast (the cheese is from Sheridan's - they have cute little green cows on their wrappers); bowl of olives and caperberries at Giraffe Restaurant, Heathrow Airport, London. I have not been doing as much sketching as I had hoped, but I still have a few weeks left of vacation. 
Offered as part of Paint Party Friday.  For more painterly goodness, check out this link.


  1. Those are awesome! Thanks for sharing. And I have a little surprise for you!

  2. Sometimes it is a lot harder to get things done during the holidays than what you intially imagine!

  3. Sounds like you are having a fab trip - are you touring all over Europe? I always plan to do lots of art when on holiday but it never pans out - still enjoy the time there, take plenty of photos and you can always paint from them on your return!

  4. I think there's always so much to do on holiday.....that you never have the time you imagined.

  5. delightful creations ~ enjoy your holiday ~ there are 'rests' in musical composition for a reason ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I think "water" is the operative word round here today! Hope you have a coat (and a burning desire to draw wet stuff..)

  7. What a great time you're having! Good food, great sites, and vacation! Enjoy!

  8. I love that you are sketching things that represent your trip.

  9. Well, the first thing is to enjoy and the holidays will already have time to draw, at the moment of your notebook page is great. Saludos

  10. I just started sketching on vacation this year and love it but it does require a bit of still time and focus. Love the museum bldg and those little green cows!

  11. very cute sketches, I always like the food ones!

  12. My kind of sketch book. I especially like the lower right hand corner square of a meal!
    Enjoy your trip!!! HPPF!

  13. Good for you for getting sketches into your travel journal. sometimes that's a really hard thing to do when travelling. So much to see and do. Happy PPF

  14. Hi Maria
    I say you are doing so well to be able to keep a sketchbook at all as I am sure you are incredibly busy on your vacation.

  15. The football logo is so cool and so unusual this year! Love your holiday sketches, at least you got so many done; I have gone to holidays with a sketchbook and never actually drew anything...Happy PPF!

  16. These are beautiful (and coveted) words: "still a few weeks of vacation left" YEAH for you! I am craving your green cow cheese:-)

  17. I always assume I can do more on a vacation than is ever possible. I think you've gotten a great start here. Love the sketch of Trinity University.

  18. A fun way to record your vacation. Enjoy the rest of it. HPPF

  19. Great capturing of the little things!

  20. Fun vacation sketches!
    What a wonderful way to document memories!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  21. Love your sketches!! It's amazing that you find time to create in your vacations ;)

    have a great day!

  22. Thanks for sharing... not everyone can use water colors like you do!!

    Hugs Giggles

  23. Fab rooftop and cheeses (though they're making me hungry!)

  24. What a wonderful way to keep your vacation memories!

  25. I love vacation or travel sketchbooks. They are such a special way to keep your memories of a place, so very different from photos (although I like taking them as well - very much). I envy you for being able to watch the Euro games... (and am happy for the German team of course).

  26. very cool, and great idea for a vacay!

  27. great sketches! it is hard to find the time to sit down and work on your journal while traveling but i'm glad to see you've managed to capture a few moments.

  28. It looks like you are having a lovely time with plenty of good eats and experiences. Thanks for sharing your journal.
