Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer's Coming . . .an announcement

Summer's on its way, and that means it will soon be time for the Second Annual Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!  Last summer, I hosted a photography scavenger hunt, in which people hunted for this list of items.  It was such a success that I plan to do another one.  On June 20 (the first day of summer), I will post a list of 21 items which you will need to search out and photograph by September 21.  Participants are encouraged to periodically post their finds on their blog, but you don't need a blog to participate.  On September 21, I will survey the participants and choose a winner, based on the number of items found.  If more than one person finds all the items, a random draw will determine the winner.  I will also draw a random winner from all the participants.  Winners will receive a photography-related prize (either a photography book or entrance into an online photography class).  
Last year, 23 people participated.  You can check out some of the photographs from last summer in this post.  Did you participate?  Are you planning to participate this year?  Got any questions?


  1. Considering it will be the depths of winter, as it was last year, I shall endeavour to find as many as I can - you can count me in!

  2. I participated but forgot to upload the ones that I did manage to find. Funnily enough I thought about this on Monday when I saw a unicycle and thought 'Oh why didn't I see that last summer'! Would love to do it again this year.

  3. I played last year but although we saw quite a few of the items on our vacation, the list didn't come out until AFTER we got home from vacation... hopefully i'll have better luck this year! :)


  4. Oh Goody goody I really enjoyed this last year although I didn't find them all I had fun trying. Shame the list comes out after my Florida holiday, but I may cheat and use ones from it if they are better than I can find at home. Thanks Rinda look forward to this.

  5. I'm definately in....I really enjoyed playing last year.

  6. I'm in for sure - really enjoyed it last year

  7. This sounds like fun Rinda... I'd like to give it a go.

  8. The kids actually asked me the other day if this would be running again this year. So I'm in!

  9. I didn't play last year - I looked at the list and thought "it'll never happen" there are no castles or pirates to be found in my sleepy little town! But I'm prepared to be more adventurous this year!

  10. I'm in again..every time I see graffitti I think about you!
    Alison xx

  11. I didn't get in on this last year but will definitely be participating this year. Can't wait to see the list!

  12. I have been waiting for this announcement. Count me in. My family had fun looking for the items to photograph last year.

  13. Glad you are doing this again - had great fun last year!

  14. I didn't do it last year but loved seeing other people's updates on blogs and even started to look out for pirates :0)
    So count me in. Also have a book left that D did not give out so will send it over asap.

  15. I'm hoping my sister does ours again, and maybe this year I will do yours too! They are quiet fun!

  16. oh, i can't wait to start looking around! i'm glad you are doing this again - we (my family)had so much fun doing it last summer.

  17. I had so much fun with it last year. I would love to do it again. I'm glad you've decided to host it again. Thanks, Rinda.

  18. Count me in . . . I remember Young Nancy doing one a while back with her family and I thought it looked like a blast.

  19. Yes!!! I was hoping you'd sponsor a photography scavenger hunt again this summer - I have some fun memories of the last one {unicycle}. I will definitely be participating again this year, and I can't wait to see your list!

    Thanks, Rinda!!! ♥

  20. I did it last year & found most of the objects. We're sticking close to home this year so I think I'll wait & see the list before I decide. Probably I'll do it anyway.

  21. This sounds like such great fun and I will so look forward to seeing what "YOU" come up with! Enjoy!

  22. I'm in for sure. It was a lot of fun last summer, and I expect it will be again this year. Still looking for a unicycle and a pirate!

  23. hooray! I am so excited for this! I didn't participate last year but certainly will this year- esp as I am visiting America!

  24. I didn't hear about the scavenger hunt last year but would love to participate now you are doing it again.

  25. I had the best of intentions last year, but didn't come close to finding everything on the list (or posting what I did find!). But I'm all about second chances, so I will try again this summer!

  26. I'm a little late starting and some may be a little creative, but some are included the 10 on the 10th post scheduled for tomorrow at
    DD has done her own '10' post dedicated to a series of trails we did this summer.
    I'll post the rest before 21st September.
