Monday, May 21, 2012

Amy's Challenge and OLW Check-In

Amy, of Over at Our Place, posted this challenge to blog about the seventh photo in the twenty-first folder in your photo files.  The photograph above, of a man cutting down a very tall tree in our backyard is what I found.  It reminded me of my one little word for 2012 - "Home."  This year I've been working on a variety of projects to clean up and purge our home; to figure out my artistic home; and to nurture the relationships which lie at the heart of my home.  One project was clearing out some big, diseased trees which blocked our view.  It was great to get it done!
In the back yard, we also hauled away a defunct hot tub and outgrown play structure, pruned the fruit trees (long overdue) and cleared out junk from the sides of the house and the storage sheds.  My indoor purging had slowed down, but I did get through some cupboards in the kitchen. And, this weekend, I went after the kids' wardrobes and book shelves.  It felt so good to box up and bag things they had outgrown.
Then, this afternoon, Paul and I took about six boxes of old toys and four bags of clothes to the church for donation (the toys had come out of the attic which I had cleared out during spring break). It was great because there were local families who met us and immediately started taking the stuff which we had brought. I know the families are in need, and I'm so glad these things will be put to good use. The next stop was the used bookstore where we sold three huge bags of books! All-in-all, a successful day.
So, thanks Amy, for reminding me to check in on my one little word for 2012. And for motivating me to do a few more projects around it! How are the rest of you doing with your one little word?


  1. Wow! That is a really cool connection!
    I didn't choose one little word this year, but I am working on less procrastination and more action - with varying degrees of success!

  2. Love the picture and the story to go along with it! I am trying to have more "faith" in my life, but I admit that I have not been thinking about it as much lately...thanks for the reminder to check in with it again!

  3. That sounds like a worthwhile job you have been doing! Thank goodness Little E comes round and plays on our play equipment, though - I'm definitely not ready to get rid of it yet

  4. I love how that photograph prompted so much reflection. You've been very persistent about your OLW. There was no "balance" on my trip, and it will be a few days before I can find any here again. Too many things that must be done after being away.

  5. You're doing so well with your OLW...I must do a catch up with mine soon.

  6. You're doing great with HOME this year Rinda! I had intended to do more decluttering, but will really just be getting started on that in June because many of my other commitments are ending & I'm taking a summer "sabbatical".

  7. I cleaned out the boys the clothes last week & took two big bags to Goodwill. Congrats on the yard decluttering!

  8. i feel like i need to have one little word every week! my focus seems to change way too often. it sounds like your olw has led you to many productive outcomes - woo hoo! :-)

  9. Geez! I would have been to nervous to watch that guy so high up cutting that tree. Glad you are focused on your OLW.

  10. Wow! You have been busy. It feels so good to clean out the stuff we no longer need. What a good feeling you must be feeling.

    I remember when we had crew come in and cut our old, tall pine trees down. They are like roman candles waiting to happen. They made me nervous every year when fire season came around.

  11. You really are doing well with your word this year, Rinda. I didn't do one but "purge" might be it :) Got your card, glad you liked the goodies!
