Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy Mail!

I just put a big bunch of things in the mail last week, including my faces for Mel's latest facebook swap.  Here's what mine look like - very much in my style, don't you think? And apologies for being "the long pole in the tent" as my dad would say (you know, the one that's holding everything up!). Had a lot of fun making these.
I also dropped some thank you notes in the mail for these wonderful goodies I received lately. First, a prize package from Beverly of BeGlorious:
And this wonderful assortment of handmade papers from Karen of Random Reflections, just cuz she's such a sweet and thoughtful person who knew I would like them:
Thanks gals! I love it all. What's new in your post these days (in coming or out going)?


  1. Excellent! A very happy day to you Rinda!

  2. How lovely to get such Happy Mail.

  3. Great stuff! What's new in our post? Good question - I'm hoping some new scrapbooking supplies will arrive today

  4. Those papers look absolutely beautiful! and the package from Beverley looks like it has some fantastic things in it. Lucky girl!

  5. We're still receiving 21st cards and presents for Penny, which is nice!

  6. That certainly is some Happy Mail!!

  7. Very nice haul you got there Rinda. Oh I did win a painting from Julie Ann Bowden. Awesome painting it was and it came all the way from the UK. The week before I received a purse I had won at Priti Lisa's giveaway. A Frida Kahlo purse. Awesome too. Have a wonderful week.

  8. your faces are indeed a rinda-original! very cheerful and unique. and what a good mail day you had!

  9. I loved Mel's project!

    Hey - you will be receiving more happy mail soon!!

  10. I got your lovely note yesterday in the mail! When I got home from Oregon I found many, many birthday cards--just like having another one! :-)

  11. Great Happy Mail Rinda...I sent some out myself last week!
    Alison xx
