Thursday, February 2, 2012

PPF: Prayer Flags O'er my Home

I've been thinking a lot about prayer flags lately. It seems to me that they could be the next big thing in the world of crafting design. They would build on the bunting/flag trend but bring an ethnic and spiritual flavor as well.  Plus, I think we're ready to move away from all the vintage colors into something a little brighter (but still subtle). So, when prayer flags start popping up on stamps and patterned paper, you can say you read it here first!
Today's acrylic painting is a page in my art journal. I definitely see myself turning it into a canvas in the not too distant future (sans journaling). Prayer flags are hung in two different styles - horizontally between two points or vertically on a pole. Traditionally, there are five flags, flown in the colors and order shown above.  The center of the flag features a winged horse, and there are four spiritual animals (an eagle, a dragon, a snow leopard and a tiger) in the corners. Mantras are written on the reverse side. I'm happy with my stylized versions of these animals on the prayer flags flying over my home.  My "home" and the journaling both refer to my "one little word" for 2012 - I'm tending this year to my physical home, the relationships which form the home for my heart, and also striving to find my artistic home.
Thanks for stopping by for Paint Party Friday (for more great painting, go to this link). Tomorrow, come by to see some of my 29 faces and stop by Sunday for Storytelling Sunday (Photo Version).
And do tell, what do you think about my prayer flag theory?


  1. I wouldn't mind that trend ... bunting looks cute but it's not me!

  2. Great journal page! I think your prayer flag theory is spot on. Our local journal group created them recently as our group project, ala Karen Michel, who taught a class a couple of years ago at Artfest on them. There are so many options you can do... :)
    Happy PPF!

  3. Never heard of those flags before, but they sound great for art! What a nice page, your home :o) I'll be back tomorrow!

  4. I saw a documentation about the ancient tea route lately and there were a lot of prayer flags in the Himalaya.

  5. Love your idea of prayer flags. Thank you for sharing. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. I've never heard of prayer flags before....but they seem like a good idea....and that's a lovely,bright page.

  7. I have never heard of prayer flags either so will definitely be able to say I heard it here first! I have never been drawn to vintage so am quite happy to hear your prediction ;)

  8. I certainly did read about them here first - I've never heard of them before. But I see I'm not the only one. It's an interesting idea indeed

  9. I have never heard of prayer flags before either... definitely heard it here first! Now I need to go off and google it to find out the origin!

  10. Lovely journal page.
    I actually just read about prayer flags in Art Saves this week, and think it is a fascinating idea and piece to create.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  11. Such a lovely journal page, and very interesting to read about the prayer flags. I've seen them, but didn't really know much about them. Also love your word! Happy PPF!

  12. nice journal page - I love prayer flags. (agree with what you said about the vintage colors)
    Jane LaFazio has been making some amazing prayer flags - she blows me away.

  13. Great page Rinda. Love it! As for the prayer flags, I did a post in late summer I believe and hung up about 20 small prayer flags that I had painted on old sheet material. Part of it is still hanging over the window on my studio outside. I think it's great. I've heard that when the wind catches the flags and they move that it is the spirt of loved ones visiting. I think it's great. Take care and be well. Happy PPF!

  14. I love prayer flags, they are such a beautiful tangible symbol of looking for meaning.

  15. Wonderful page, love the vivid colors! <3
    Happy PPF!

  16. what a neat idea, you've done a good job with it!

  17. you may be spot on! Love the colors of this and I didn't know about prayer flags. We are probably all in need of some brighter colors, livens things up!

  18. Love the flags. I know digitally scrapping with bunting or other triangle shaped hangings is popular. Prayer flags are an easy step from their

  19. I've never heard of Prayer Flags either..and I DO love the colours!
    Alison xx

  20. I haven't heard of prayer flags in the crafting world, but I first encountered them two years ago at Devils Tower on a sacred burying ground of Native Americans.

  21. I love the simplicity of this piece - the bright colours and solid shapes.

  22. Prayer flags are a wonderful idea. You could do them with silk painting. :)

  23. Charming. I know some people are into prayer flags. Not sure I will ever be...

  24. Hi Rinda! I love the concept of prayer flags flying over my house!!! You are fabulous!
    Thanks for commenting on my post and happy paint party friday to you girlie!!!

  25. so cute, love the prayer flags!

  26. I can say I heard about Prayer Flags from you first. I like the idea and all the colors.

  27. We have them up in our house but I love the graphic boldness of yours in this artwork - great stuff & Happy PPF :)

  28. Wonderfully done! ~ I have tattered and torn prayer flags on my deck ~ Yours are much more colorful ~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  29. I love ,love your journal page and I think you've hit the nail on the head with the prayer flags. I really like the 29 faces challenge idea too!

  30. Prayer flags are a wonderful way to send out the energy of your desires. Very nice.

  31. I love prayer flags and there meanings as well! Such a cute picture! Thank you for sharing!

  32. Delightful drawing! Where did prayer flags originate? Somewhere like nepal? Patsy from

  33. Oh I never heard of prayer flags, what a wonderful idea! Your painting is charming, I love it!

  34. This is the first I have heard of them, but I bet they would be popular! You had better trademark them quickly! :)

  35. Oh, such a colourful and gorgeous page! I also love the little prayer flags - especially against the blue of your "sky" background. Lovely!
    I had a custom project last year for a lady who wanted a special sketchbook. She had a Buddhist theme in mind - we made this:
    (scroll down to the 3rd book!)
    Perhaps I should make some more of those little flag-strings... They'd make nice little gifts too. Hmm...

  36. Stunning journal page!
