Friday, February 3, 2012

29 Faces, Part 1

Ayala is hosting a February challenge called "29 Faces," which encourages participants to draw one face a day for the month of February.  I have found that the more I draw faces, the better they get, so I wanted to join along.  Also, I'm still working on finishing up the assignments from the 101 Faces class I started in January. It's a perfect combination.  I'll share the faces in groups, rather than daily, and today's the first trio. The one up top is done with pastels and has a definite Frida Kahlo inspiration.
This second one didn't scan very well, but it's a simple, sweet pencil drawing of Clara (and that pink streak is not there in real life!).  And finally, an art journal page:
It's an acrylic face and the journaling reflects the fact that I'm still not sure how to incorporate faces into my art journal pages.  For more faces, check out the linky here.
These faces are all very different - do you have a favorite?


  1. You are correct I feel the challenge is great because the more we do something the more we improve - these are all great :)

  2. Love these free spirited faces! Looking forward to more!
    ~ Laura

  3. love the variety of faces you are drawing. Of this trio the 1st one grabbed my attention - strong and looks like she has a story to tell

  4. Enjoyed looking at your faces, many thanks for sharing.

  5. I love looking at your faces and the different styles you manage to achieve. Of today's, I think I like the first one best.

  6. I too am trying to use different styles for my portraits, and yours are lovely :D One way to fit faces into a journal page is to have flowing hair across your page, and use the lines to write in :D XXX

  7. I agree, the more you pratice faces, the better you get. I've made the same experience. Is there still time to hop on this "29 faces" train? I'm also still working on the "faces 101" assignments - I'm so behind with everything.

  8. I rather like the pencil drawing!
    Alison xx

  9. As soon as I spotted that first one I thought - she's got a Kahlo thing going on there! I enjoyed the variety you have here too - you are a versatile portrait maker!

  10. I think that this 29 faces project is such a great idea. I'm thinking of trying it too. Yours are great. I especially like the middle one, Clara. Don't know why - she just looks so sweet to me. I have one face drawn - so I think I'll try another. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this project.

  11. Great job on these! I'm loving hopping around to everyone's blogs and seeing all the different styles of faces!

  12. Welcome to the challenge!! Great pieces!!

  13. fantastic evening. I love the first one especially!

  14. Ha! I think it's funny that you write "you're not sure how to incorporate faces into your your journal pages"!! I really like this yellow, numbered spread and your funky face. I think it's fabulous!:o)

  15. Very cool faces! Great diversity too.

  16. Keep up the good work!!! Well done!

  17. Love the freshness and spontaneity.

  18. Love the polka dots in the hair of that first one!
