Saturday, September 17, 2011


My mom was a beautiful woman, and she had great legs. So did I for most of my life.  My nickname on the adult women's basketball team on which I played in the mid-90's was "legs." Partly because I had good endurance and could run forever, but also because I had great legs.  Credit ballet and modern dance classes taken all the way through high school (and even the occasional class in college). Credit the generally active lifestyle in my adult life. Credit genetics. Whenever anyone complimented my legs, I would always say, "Thanks. I got them from my mom."
But in the last two years, I noticed that I had lost my shapely legs . . . a result of poor diet, lack of exercise and gravity.  A result of getting old.
Until this year . . . when I decided that turning fifty was not an excuse for poor health and fitness. Fifty was an opportunity to be fit and fabulous.  And, so, I've been working out.
This morning, I went to a make-up workout - a special class organized by my trainer Diana for anyone in any of her classes to attend. As a result, I found myself working out with some new people. One of them told me that she used to hire body part models (you know, hand models and the like) and asked me if I ever did any leg modeling because I "had perfect calves" and she would have totally hired me as a model. As you can imagine, her comment made my day!
Thanks Mom (for my legs). And thanks Diana (for helping me find them again).


  1. Well done Rinda on regaining the legs of your youth. I must say I agree with you about your mum's legs they are gorgeous.

  2. Karen got it in one!

    Go Legs! :-)

  3. awesomeness Rinda, I can see where you get your gorgeousness from,,,your Mum sure was a beautiful woman.

  4. What a wonderful story Rinda! Again, it's another call to do more exercise to me. My mum always loves to tell the story of getting on a bus when she was about twenty and the bus driver saying to her "That's a hell of a fine leg you've got there miss"! And I like my legs because they are long enough to stop being exceptionally tiny. I'm just short instead lol

    Love the photos on this too. Great post!

  5. What gorgeous photos of your mum,Rinda.....and well done on regaining your lovely youthful legs.

  6. I have leg-envy. Oh what I wouldn't give for longer/shapelier/slimmer legs! That's a fab photo of your mum, you are very lucky to have inherited such good genes.

  7. Really nice pictures of your Mum and congrats on getting your young legs back. You've added a bit more incentive to me to get back to exercising - thanks.

  8. What a great compliment...I would give almost anything to have been blessed with good legs!
    Alison xx

  9. so often we focus on what we don't like about our bodies - it is refreshing to read what someone appreciates about their body! thanks for leading us in the right, and definitely more healthy, direction.

  10. What a great story Rinda and the photos... what a treasure to have them. Your mom sure is gorgeous and lucky for you to inherit her legs :) I inherited my mom's skin... she looks younger than she is :)

  11. Okay Rinda this post is not complete without a pix of your legs in some great heels!!! Your mom did have great legs!!!

  12. Love your post with the vintage photos of Aunt Carmen. She certainly was a looker with great legs.

  13. that would've made my day too! But you are looking very fit these days!!

  14. Such a sweet post :) work those legs! I inherited my Mum's legs too, which she inherited from her Nan - unfortunately they are considerably less shapely than yours and your Mom's, but at least they are recognisable ;)

  15. That's fantastic! I have horrible legs, even though my mom had beautiful legs. :( But I love those unexpected compliments... in my journey toward fitness past 40, it's been amazing recently when my husband makes a big deal that he can get his arms around me further or differently before. He is, however, concerned that other parts of my anatomy that he likes big will shrink. hahah!
