Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A few layouts. . . belated ten on the tenth

I missed Shimelle's Ten on the Tenth blog hop because I was busy preparing for and going to a crop.  If I hadn't missed it, this layout would have been perfect for it! It's called "Ten Things I Love About You," and I made the layout (without pictures) in a Rusty Pickle class at a scrapbook expo about eight years ago! It's been sitting in my stash ever since, and I decided these various pictures of Gypsy fit it perfectly.  There are ten little tags scattered throughout the layout, and I wrote various reasons why I love my dog. I encourage you to click on the picture (or any of the other layouts) to see them more clearly.
Here's a couple of other layouts I did.  The first one was inspired by Amy's challenge to scrapbook a current event. It includes pictures from the day we experienced a tsunami warning and evacuation after the Japanese tsunami in March:
A layout about my son's sixteenth birthday (which we shared with his Godparents, Molly and Jack, whom I wrote about on 9/11):
And, because Clara doesn't get featured as much as Henry, here's a layout about her basketball team last year:
Over the weekend, I made 14 pages, two cards, a collage and learned how to draw a face.  The cards and face will show up soon, when I review the class we took with Mary Jo McGraw.  It felt great to get some pages done and utterly fantastic to usefully use something eight years old. How about you? Done any scrapping lately? Want to brag about something you used up?


  1. 'Stands back in amazement!' You have made in a weekend what I would struggle to make in 2 months. Love your pages Rinda. David is away for the whole weekend this weekend so I am planning to scrap up a storm!

  2. Talk about Power Scrapping at its best! Well done Rinda!

    I love scrapping in the moment and I also love seeing how others approach scrapping that way ... you know what, your pages would also suit the SAG challenge with the double pages, you seem to do them so well, they are really tricky for me.

    I scrapped last night, I made three pages and my LSNED page ... I used new products though :-)

  3. Wow you did work hard over that w/e I love your Gypsy page she is so cute.
    I have been saving the boxes my cat's food comes in as the corrugated card is quite thick but have never got round to using any yesterday I started to make a 'LOVE' plaque. it isn't finished yet but at least I have found a use for one of the box sides.

  4. Wow you got a lot done! That's more than I've done all year. :) Love the Gypsy page.

  5. It's been years since I attended a crop, but I'm quite sure I was never as prolific as you were! The layout about Clara's team is my fave of this set. I'm still editing photos from the trip here, but there are layouts to come!

  6. I am in complete awe of your work rate! I am a slow, contemplative scrapper. Which means I stick something down, go for a cup of coffee and then come back and stick something else down!

    I also really admire your two pagers which are always so full of life

  7. Wow! It's very rewarding to finish projects and using subjects you love makes it that much more fun.

  8. I can never believe just how much you get done at a crop,Rinda....I know your pages have less embellishments than mine but it takes me months to make that many pages!!
    I love the page about Gypsy...he really is the most gorgeous dog.
    I have today managed a page for Little A's that will be posting soon....and it did use all old stash.

  9. p.s.I love your comment on Sian's post today....I hadn't even noticed that mis-spelling!!!

  10. That is a pretty impressive amount of craftiness! Wow! Lovely layouts as well, I particularly like the first one.

  11. How invigorating it feels when your able to get so much creativity out in a tangible way. Congratulations.

  12. Gosh, fourteen LOs! I am in awe! I really like the watery edge in the one about the tsunami.

  13. Great stuff Rinda -I really like your Gipsy layout. Such a cutie !You have been very busy!

  14. Sounds like a great weekend! Impressive amount of work!
