Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finishing the Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt

Summer is officially over in one week, and the start of autumn will also signal the end of the Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed finding items on the list and how thrilled I have been to see so many people participating!
Here are instructions for finishing up.  If you would like to be considered for fabulous prizes, this is what you need to do.  On Friday, Sept. 23, I will put up a post asking you to tell me:
1. that you participated;
2. the category in which you participated (photography, snapshots with team member, or overachiever/both); and
3. the number of items which you found.
I will leave the post up all weekend. If you have not emailed me your photographs, please don't do it until I ask you to (as I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle them). If you have posted your photographs to your blog or placed them in a an online album, please do let me know where they are located. On Monday morning, California time, I will sort through the responses and figure out who the likely contenders are for the win and contact them to verify the number of their entries. 
Prizes, prizes, prizes! A wonderful prize will be awarded to the person (or team) in each category who has found and photographed the most items on the list. If there is a tie, I will draw a random winner.  In addition, I will draw a random prize from all participants, so please respond to the concluding post, even if you haven't found all the items on the list.
Questions? Let me know. 
Also, if you happen to know of a bee hive in my vicinity, please let me know!


  1. I've not had much luck with many of the prompts at all ... I'm going to blame third term and not being on holidays! Actually, we have term holidays starting this weekend ... I bet I find plenty then!

  2. Don't think I'm going to find them all.....and while we have plenty of bees...a bee hive is definately elusive!!

  3. i probably don't have enough to even be considered (no beehive here either!) but I have seen at least one completed list in blog world and I have really really enjoyed this project. Roll on the New Year version!

  4. Hi Rinda, this was my first time doing something like this and it was soooo much fun. Thanks for organizing this hunt. I found all the items and have sent them to you already.

  5. Hi Rinda ~

    Thanks so much for the sweet comments you left for me last week. :o) ♥

    I thought about this scavenger hunt while I was ill last week, wondering when we'd be pulling them all together. Like so many others, I thoroughly enjoyed the scanvenger hunt! I know it's a chore for you, but I really hope we can do it again (soon!). It was so much fun looking here and there for items.

    I'm pretty sure I labeled all my posts indicating they were scavenger hunt related...will have to go back and check to make sure they're all tagged. Thanks so much for hosting this really fun summer project! xo

  6. I haven't managed to get them all :-( although it hasn't been for want of trying! I am putting the ones I have found into three picasa collages which I will post on my blog.
    thank you so much for organising this and please make it an annual event, I had fun looking out for things!

  7. I enjoyed this scavenger hunt. Still have a few pictures to send. Thanks for hosting the hunt.

  8. Fun! Fun! Fun! This has been my first photo scavenger hunt ever and we've had a lot of fun doing it. Thanks, Rinda. It would be fun even without the prizes.

  9. Have so enjoyed the Scavenger hunt hoping to have my final ones by Friday!
    Alison xx

  10. I have all but two, and I doubt I'll find a pirate or a unicycle before Friday, but we are away for a few days so who knows? I still have a few to post, but will try to get it all organized in the next couple of days. It's been a lot of fun!

  11. Hi Rinda I have been able to complete your Scavenger hunt and have posted my pictures on Flickr for you to look at. I will add the details later as I have to go to work now :(
    This has been fantastic Rinda, please can you do it again?
