Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Class Review: A Day with Mary Jo McGraw

As I mentioned recently, this year's Scramp Camp featured the guest artist Mary Jo McGraw. She spent the day with us, teaching two actual classes (one on collage and one on coloring and card making) and the balance of the day hanging out with us answering questions about various techniques and products.  The classes were fine. I made the canvas I posted about here and the cards posted above. I'd give the classes a solid B+ for giving good information and working with each student to create something that fit them individually. I have a recurring gripe about instructors not handing out written instructions, but that's a battle I seem destined to lose.   Mary Jo also has lots of very strong opinions, and she's going to share them with you!  Such candor may not be for everyone.
But . . . the amount of knowledge she possesses about products, stamping, art journaling, etc. is breath-taking! My favorite part of the day spent with her was when she taught us how to draw faces (see mine here) and answered questions about Ranger products and techniques. I wish I could have video-taped that portion of the day because it certainly rated a solid A for content and a willingness to share her secrets! 
Speaking of classes, I signed up for Cheryl Johnson's next photography class, "Painting with Light: The Sequel." I'm really liking her mix of photography tips and photoshop lessons. Plus, for $30, it's hard to beat! Anyone else taking any classes now or in the near future?
Just a little "squee" because I found out there's an observation bee hive at a children's museum about 1.5 miles from my work!
And a really big sigh of relief because I took Gypsy back to the vet today for a one month check-in, and my rock star vet Craig says that she's looking really good!!! We're continuing to decrease the amount of medication she's taking, and we're really beginning to think she's going to make a full recovery!


  1. Sounds like an interesting and informative class. I'm not sure what class I'm going to take next on the crafty front, I'm enjoying LSNED and after that I might have a rest until JYC time of the year ... can you believe I just said that?!

  2. Great news re Gypsy
    I totally agree with you re written instruction, I like to have them, and find it much easier to follow what is being said if I can also read it.

  3. ooo I fanacy another class from Cheryl, off to have a look! Thanks for pointing this out:)

  4. Great news about Gypsy!

    I love your class reviews - it's a bit of vicarious class taking pleasure

  5. so glad to hear gypsy is doing well! i would love to take some more classes but finding the time and the energy for commitment is a bit difficult right now. thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

  6. Glad to hear about Gypsy. Love your take on Mary Jo's cards. Amazing how we were all given the same materials and came up with totally different looks. We have such a creative group. I haven't posted mine yet but will do soon.

  7. So pleased to hear about Gypsy.
    There's a She Art 2 class starting in November...I probably won't be able to resist that....and that'll take me to the start of JYC!
    Am just about to blog about my scavenger hunt album for you.

  8. Great news about my last couple of pics to post them now...think I'm just one short!
    Alison xx

  9. Good news about Gypsy! You asked where I found my bee hive. After looking all over and actually requesting a chance to visit a local honey producer (request denied), I discovered one of our local farm markets keeps a beehive! I'm there frequently, but had never seen it.

    I just signed up for Katrina Kennedy's new photography class called Correct to Creative Exposure. I've taken two previous courses with her online and they've been fabulous. I'm also taking a four-week local course on using Lightroom which starts in October.

  10. Glad to hear good news about Gypsy. I have not signed up for any classes and I agree with you about the written instructions. I need them to review what I missed or misunderstood.

  11. So pleased to hear about Gypsy :)

  12. I am so happy about your little Gypsy! They really are children with fur! I do not always understand the thing with instructors not give instructions! I have done a few decorative painting classes and that is not uncommon. It is great if you go right home and finish in the next couple of days, but we know that seldom happens!
