Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Scrapping my girl!

I sometimes worry that I don't blog or scrapbook my children equally. Clara would certainly say that I pay more attention to Henry.  As a 16 year old boy, he wouldn't notice. LOL! So, just to make sure everything is even, here's a few layouts I made today with Clara.  The one up top features a photograph taken when we were "performing" at the Experience Music Project Museum at Seattle Place. Love her expression!
And here's one I made about her running track last season. You probably can't tell, but I started with this Starting Point from Shimelle.  All paper is from Club Scrap. Embellies in the second one from Heidi Swapp.
Do you ever have to worry about scrapping about people in your life equally?


  1. I did go through a period of time last year when I scrapped the younger one more frequently, mainly because she was home with me and was easy/convenient photographic fodder. I'm not worried about disparity between my own children, but I am worried that I don't have many pages with my extended family within them ... I want to include them as part of our story too.

  2. I don't worry about disparity with the kids....because all of them wish I scrapped them less!!!! And over a period of time it more or less balances out.
    But like Amy....I wish I had more photos of extended family....and the time to scrap them.
    Love that first page you've made.

  3. I love that dlo of your daughter. great page and tells the story well.

    I do worry as I have three grandsons two are my daughter's boys and live 5hrs away from me so I don't get to scrap them so much, although the eldest now 4 being my first grandchild has a lot more than any of the others the one that will loose out is the youngest.

  4. No, I didn't start scrapping until my kids had already left home. Matt came back to live with us (and was in the area) so there are more layouts of him in the last few years. On the other hand, I've finished Sarah's birthday album, but have yet to start Matt's, so maybe it evens out in the end. Neither of them pay particular attention to my layouts, although Matt (interestingly enough) has always been the more complimentary.

  5. Good question! Like Karen, I have found the men in my family to be more genuinely interested, funnily enough. But the I think that might be because they are all big talkers and storytellers too.

  6. One advantage to having an only child is that there's no competition for anything. Although, I didn't really start scrapbooking until Carrie was older and by then she scrapped herself. On the rare occasions that I do create a layout they are usually about my niece and nephew (Presley & Stone).

    Love your layouts here! xo

  7. Since my two boys are close in age and had the same interest growing up, (Soccer and Music) I did not have that problem. Now that they are older and going in different directions, life will be a little bit more interesting in our household. Looks like you and Clara had a great time Rocking The House. You are 2AWESOME!

  8. one of the many many many reasons i only have one kid :D

    great LOs!

    Mariana in CA

  9. Love the layouts you have made Rinda. As for scrapping in equal measures - because she is an only child Gracia is the main focus of my scrapping and doesn't mind how much I scrap her and David would rather I didn't scrap him at all!

  10. At the end of each month I count up how many layouts I did for each family member & make a point of evening them out the following month.

    Except DH. It's hard to do layouts about him, but then he doesn't complain that I have more than he does either. :)

  11. I don't have any advice to offer, as I don't have any children. But I would say try not to worry about it and if you see a gross inbalance one way or the other, make a point to do a few layouts about the opposite. So I guess I do have advice to offer anyway. ;)

    I like the track layout!
