Wednesday, June 15, 2011

May Intention: Honoring the Importance of Family

As one variation on New Year's Resolutions or choosing "One Little Word" for the year, I have declared an intention for 2001.  My intention is to be "Fabulous at 50." You can read more about it here.  Each month, I'm making an art journal page around my intention.  This month's journaling reads: "From attending Cynthia's Quinceanera to working on my heritage/genealogy album, in May I was fabulous because I acknowledged the importance of family."  I created this with a couple of stencils from Club Scrap sprayed with Adirondack Color Washes. Paula at Journal Artista is running an stencil challenge right now - check it out here to see other wonderful stencil art. 


  1. Beautiful!

    And there couldn't be a better "intention" than that either

  2. You are ALWAYS fabulous about honoring family!

  3. i love the warm yellows on your page. you did have a month surrounded by generations of family, which i'm sure felt absolutely wonderful.

  4. I agree you are Fabulous, so are your blogs and journaling. Keep it up, I love to see and read them.

  5. Absolutely wonderful Rinda! That coffee cup is pne of my treasured Club Scrap goodies! Thank you so much formplaying along! Much love
