Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Still Playing Up - A Simple Story with Pictures

Henry, you have always been a gifted athlete.  We love watching you play.  When you were younger, you often played "up" in age group because you were as talented as the older kids.  Somewhere around 13 or 14, that stopped. The size difference became so great that we kept you with players your own age. But now, at just barely 16, you're playing in an adult men's soccer league.
And you're giving it your all. 
And holding your own. 
And it's still a joy to watch you play.
This "simple story with pictures" was inspired by the fabulous new blog Simple Aussie Girls. Check it out!


  1. You know Rinda, this is what it is all about ... finding the time to get the story down in a journal, blog, scrap page, card, smashbook - whatever!
    It sounds like Henry is progressing really well with the soccer :-)

    Thanks for your support :-)

  2. Very cool action shots Rinda - years down the line he'll be thanking you for taking them and recording your pride in his skill

  3. Excellent photos Rinda. Your pride for your kids always shines through and they are obviously supported and encouraged every step of the way.

  4. Brilliant action photo really tell the story perfectly

  5. Fantastic shots Rinda! And I can relate to the pride... our girls' entire team has always played "up" because of the wide age range of the players and where they fit in the league. There was a time when they used to take the field and look like midgets compared to the opposing team!

  6. I love this post, Rinda! Your photos are great, and the story you told with it by writing it TO Henry is awesome.

    Well done, my friend! xo

  7. i bet he is fun to watch. and capture with your camera. :-)

  8. These are great shots,Rinda....and lovely to hear such pride.

  9. Great photos Rinda,and I agree with Amy, it's good to get it down- this is a really nice way to do it and a lovely way to show your pride x

  10. I love this great photos and a great post x

  11. This is a wonderful post, and such a tribute to Henry. Your sports photography is fabulous!
