Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Art Journal Page (Theme Thursday)

Yvonne at the ARTic Blonde Creations blog offers up all sorts of wonderful stamped art, with an emphasis on ATC's, and always seems to find fun challenges.  She posted recently about this Theme Thursday challenge, looking for summertime art. It inspired me to make today's art journal page. The background is glazed acrylic paints. I stenciled on some Club Scrap designs with Stayz-On ink and added some very cute mini-Marilyn images which I found as part of a set at a garage sale.  And, as the journaling says, I really am looking forward to a fabulous summer. The kids are old enough to be fairly self-sufficient about getting ready for their activities and entertaining themselves when they aren't doing something more structured. I'm enjoying working on my academic writing and looking forward to our summer travel.  But, most importantly, I feel good.  I feel healthy and strong and fit.  All this exercise,  healthy eating and weight loss (yes, the pound have finally started to come off again) is really paying off.  I may not look like Marilyn, but I'm certainly rockin' her attitude right now!
How about you? How's your summer going so far?


  1. I'd love to hear more about what your actual health and fitness regime is ... I feel as though I need some inspiration in that area!

  2. Gosh, is it Summer already? It's sneaked up on me, while I've been so buried by work...
    Actually, I think we may have "had" our summer now - it has started to rain... I do hope the weather picks up by the time you come over here! Britain can be pretty in the rain, but not when it rains incessantly... I'll order in the sunshine for you Rinda!

    Off to DS' School Sports Day today. Just have a couple of jobs to finish and I'm free for the rest of the day!

    I'm looking forward to a holiday in Wales this summer, with a visit to the seaside too, just before we go back to school.

  3. Oh, how rude of me - I only talked about myself and summer...
    I did look at your cute little Summer Art picture and smiled at the stamped sunshines and the funny little photos of Marilyn. I love the curly-wurly sea.

  4. It's very uplifting to hear you feeling so good!

  5. I'm so glad you're feeling as great as your summer plans! I'm making some positive changes in health and fitness now that I can finally work out again. It's amazing how much better I feel every day.

  6. your positive vibes are contagious! i love to hear that your good health intentions are showing up so prominently in your life. here's to a fabulous summer!

  7. You sound sooooo positive,Rinda...what a pleasure to read this post.

  8. love your art journal page Rinda! Happy to hear you are feeling so well :) It's been raining here for several days, I'm starting to grow webbed feet, I think I might quack soon!

  9. Great take on this theme, wonderful work.

  10. What a positive post. The only clue to it being summer is that fact that schools are busy with the usual end of term stuff - certainly the weather is not very summery.
