Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm under the weather . . .

In fact, I have pneumonia.  I'll be taking a few days off to sleep and get better.  Talk among yourselves while I'm gone.  Healing thoughts, wishes & prayers much appreciated.
P.S. I took this picture from our apartment window in Venice a few summers ago.  It's what gondolas do in the rain.


  1. Take shelter and get well soon :-) Consider all thoughts, prayers and well wishes sent your way from me.

  2. Prayers and good wishes for a quick recovery sent immediately. I hope your recovery is quick.

  3. I'm sending you very best wishes for a swift recovery Rinda. You take care of yourself now. x

  4. You poor thing - sending lots of best wishes and prayers xx

    PS I just love the pic - love the idea that the gondolas take themselves into the shelter and peek their noses out to see if the rain's clearing yet! Thanks for sharing :-)

  5. Oh no, Rinda! I'm sorry to hear that you are so sick. I am wishing you a quick recovery!!!

    Love the picture of the gondolas in the rain!

  6. Rest, take care and do what ever the doctors tell you to! Shall be popping by now and again to see if you are well enough to blog.
    Sending many healing thoughts your way x

  7. I'm so sorry you are sick. Bad time of the year for that. Hope you improve quickly. I love the picture of the gondolas hiding under the bridge to escape the rain. In school, our nuns used to call us sugar plums when we stayed home because of the rain. They asked us if we thought we would melt if we went out in the rain.

  8. Feel better soon! Rest and rehydrate!

  9. Sending you hugs,warm wishes and healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.
    Love the photo.

  10. Oh Rinda what rotten luck! I hope you feel okay soon. Take your time & try to get lots of people to spoil you - you deserve it :)
    Looking forward to seeing your blog again soon, take care xx
    (Love the scaredy-cat gondolas bytheway!)

  11. hope you are feeling much better!

  12. Sending you prayers and healing thoughts - hope you are better soon.

  13. Hope you feel better soon! I know how hard it is for us moms to take time for ourselves! Sending you prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. Love you!
