Saturday, February 6, 2010

Heartfelt Thanks and February Agenda

Thank you for all your well-wishes! I'm starting to feel a bit better, thanks to a second-round of broader spectrum antibiotics.  DH took some time off work to ensure I stayed in bed and rested once the Doctor started talking about putting me in the hospital.  I've been peeking around at your blogs but not really feeling up to commenting much.  I have been really enjoying the Debbie Hodge Building Pages class and have managed to work on those lessons. So, I'll have some layouts to show off tomorrow. Develop on Friday has an interesting lesson on working with nontraditional light sources that I find really intriguing - makes me want to take a photo of the soccer team, lit by car headlamps. I'm still finding that I love the challenges at Sunflowers and Dragonflies, including their new card sketch.  The folks at Something Completely Different are featuring ATC's this month. And I received my swap envelope to make some more row houses.  Haven't had a chance to do anything with any of those yet, but they're all on the February agenda.  In the meantime, here's a very February picture from our house.  DH bought me this bowl in November, filled with some autumnal gourds.  I've been trying to change it every month to reflect the current season.  I've never been very good at varying our home decor, but I am finding the project/challenge fun.  I filled it with red glass hearts.


  1. So glad you're feeling a bit better,Rinda....sounds like you have plenty to keep you occupied!! Love the little glass hearts.

  2. So glad you're feeling a bit better,Rinda....sounds like you have plenty to keep you occupied!! Love the little glass hearts.

  3. Oh, honey - I didn't realise you might have had to be hospitalised! So pleased you're feeling a bit better now x

    I love the idea of changing the bowl to reflect the seasons, the hearts look gorgeous :-)

  4. The little glass hearts are perfect for this time of year and look so pretty in the bowl.
    Pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better.
    Don't wear yourself out blog-hopping!

  5. Wow, this illness has really knocked you sideways! I am glad you are now on the mend. Do take it easy (Yay for husbands who stay home and help when we need them!). I hope you soon feel much, much better.
    Will look forward to seeing the layouts.
    The little bowl is sweet.

  6. Hi Rinda! Glad to 'see' you back again :)
    Hope it isn't too long before you are up & running.

  7. Happy to hear you're starting to feel better. Thanks for all your support of my new blog's appreciated!

  8. Thank goodness you are on the improve:-)
    You have done well with seasonal decor considering your state of health - apart from Christmas and wanting to change on a whim - our decor stays the same.
    I smiled at your comment about taking photos by car light .... I had the same thought - not sure of my subject ... perhaps sleeping children?

  9. It's no fun being sick but it sounds like you are improving a bit. The bowl you husband gave you is beautiful and the red glass hearts are perfect in it.

  10. So glad to hear that you are feeling better, Rinda! Keep taking it easy until you are 100%, ok?


  11. So glad to hear that you are feeling a little better at last. But please keep on resting and building up your strength..not too much blogging, now! I'm looking forward to those row houses.
