Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Scrapbook Tuesday

On Sunday, I got together with some friends and scrapped for a few hours.  I was able to do fourteen pages!  I scrapped all the family photos we received in Christmas cards this year.  How did I get so many done?  I used the "paper trio" prompt at the Scrap Weekly in 2010 Challenge blog.  You can check out a couple of my pages and my strategy by following this link.  
Here's the first page of the album for this year.  It has our Christmas card photo and a very cool embellishment created by my good friend Jacky. I love how it turned out.


  1. 14! Great effort, I usually talk too much to ever get much done at a crop.

  2. Fourteen layouts in one session? Amazing! It's a beautiful layout and I would recognize Jacky's card technique anywhere.

  3. Thought I recognised Jacky's work :-) 14 pages!!! Are they all as lovely as this one? I'm more likely to spend 14 hours on one page lol...

  4. Great page you posted...and 14 layouts in one day?!?! Awesome! :o)

  5. That's amazing...14 pages in one day!!!! I'm lucky to get 14 done in a month....or like Mel ... possibly 1 in 14 hours!! I'm going to have to go and look at that prompt.
    The page is lovely....and feel very honoured to have my card on there.
    Looking forward to seeing the other 13!

  6. 14 pages? That's amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing some more of them too. I thought I recognised one of Jacky's cards..you've found the perfect way to preserve it.

  7. Woah! Fourteen pages in one session? I'm lucky to finish two and start on a third when I go to our scrapbook club! I was never very speedy... and I talk too much!
    Well done Rinda! I will follow that link and take a look at them.

  8. 14 pages? FOURTEEN?!! That's really impressive! I struggle with two when I go to our monthly crops. What a sense of achievement you must have felt to have got all your Christmas pictures used. Lovely layout!

  9. Like everyone else---14 pages???? When I get together with friends, I have a really hard time getting anything done because there's always something I left behind! I'm quite impressed with the layout and the output!

  10. 14 pages in just a few hours?! Wow! I'm so impressed! I bow down to Rinda! I haven't scrapbooked in eons, because I would spend hours working on a two-page layout. I clearly need to rethink my scrapbooking technique. But I'm so overwhelmed by my backlog of photos that I don't even want to begin to look at them. sigh.
